Creative photos

October 18th, 2012
Hello. I joined this wonderful website to give my creative side a hand. I see a lot of amazing photos. Please give me some suggestion on how and what to take a picture of everyday. This is going to be a challenge for me.
October 18th, 2012
It really depends on what your interests are and what you are trying to accomplish. Some folks use this as a way to document a year. Some are trying to improve their photography and/or learn new techniques. I think the best way might be to just start taking pictures, look at them later on and think about what you might have done differently, either in composing the shot or the settings.
October 18th, 2012
I suggest trying some of the challenges, including the weekly themes. I have tried the monthly challenges too. This month, I am catching up with theme shots for the photo club. I decided to do my own challenge, which is capturing October and/or Autumn in my corner of the world. In doing this, I can work on the photo club's leaf theme. Being creative depends upon what your interests are and what you want your 365 project to be. Have fun exploring your creativity through the 365 project.
October 18th, 2012
You can get a lot of creative ideas by reading the discussion threads. I just noticed a new one you might be interested in:
October 18th, 2012
Thank you Michael and Kathryn. I will look into the different challenges and weekly/monthly themes. I was thinking we had a theme for each day. This is day 2 for me so I will continue to search the website and try to come up with a plan to enhance my skills. Thank you :)
October 18th, 2012
I'm working on two themes this month for inspiration (couldn't decide which I liked better, so have one challenge in each album):

October Photo a Day
October Rainbow

Welcome to 365, its a great community and provides such a supportive environment to learn and explore different types of photography!
October 18th, 2012
I've never had any luck with the themes, alot of people do. When I started this project I just aimed for a photo a day, as kind of a journal. Then I started taking more and more photos every day because I wanted to improve. Now I carry my camera with me everywhere and I take at least 30, but up to 400 photos a day, with an average of 100.

The longer you do it, the easier it becomes. I promise. Welcome to 365!
October 18th, 2012
Just keep browsing whats new and you will see a whole range of ideas.
Try something new to you and practice whwat you already know.
"Digital Photo" is a great magazine for ideas.
October 19th, 2012
Thank you everyone. I am a big fan of this forum already. Aleksandra, thank you for the challenge information. I would love to join October Photo a Day to help with my creative side. :o)
October 19th, 2012
Don't over think stuff. Follow what comes naturally and don't overlook the most simplest of objects. Anything can be turned into art
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