Help with Lightroom and RAW

December 6th, 2012
I shoot in both jpeg and RAW but very rarely use the the RAW files if I am honest ~ but recently I thought I would give it a go. My question / query/ observation is that as the RAW file opens in LR it suddenly gets a lot darker ~ is this normal?

December 6th, 2012
Quite possibly. The first version you see is the embedded JPG preview file. It then reads the RAW data and applies the RAW conversion defaults, and 'clicks' to that image. If it is consistently showing a darker image then you can do things like increase the RAW exposure and set it as the new default.
December 6th, 2012
The RAW photo is what you actually took (for the most part... check Lightroom's Process selection near the bottom of the Develop module.) The JPG has had processing already applied, as per your Picture Control and other in-camera processing settings.

If you're using Lightroom, you can dump the JPG versions, and start using the RAW exclusively. LR lets you process RAW as easily as if they were JPGs, and with a LOT more dynamic range and processing flexibility.

I switched to a full RAW workflow back in May, and haven't looked back. The only time I was using JPG or TIFFs was when I got my new Nikon D600, and it wasn't yet supported by Adobe Camera Raw/Lightroom. Now that it is, I'm back to RAW (and about to by a new hard drive to manage the increased 24MP bit depth).
December 7th, 2012
This happens to me all of the time. Did it in 3.5 and now still in version 4. I have to tweak the settings in lightroom to bring it back to life I really don't mind as I tweak the colors, vibrance and clarity most of the time to achieve what I desire. For me what you are experiencing is normal. I thought this was a Sony thing but perhaps other experience it as well?

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