Can you help me locate this Photo

January 18th, 2013
I was scanning the boards the other night and came across an image that I thought was really stunning. I thought I had marked it as a FAV but obviously didn't. Now can I find it again, no chance.

The image showed a guy in camo jacket with a snow shoe bag on his back crouched down by a river bank observing a bear. / bears (I think) - I can only assume it was shot in Canada / North America.

Reason why I would like to locate this shot - well apart from it being quite stunning I have started a Photoshop Night school class this week and need to come up with a shot I would like to aspire to ( be able to work to that standard ) and this was it.

Would be really over the moon if any one knows the image I mean.

Regards Hugh
January 18th, 2013
@grizzlysghost is often by the side of rivers - not sure about bears though?
January 18th, 2013
@felix2013 Can you remember which day... or close to it... it was loaded?
January 18th, 2013
@amyamoeba @monkeykid No not a clue , not sure if it was an older shot, Just been scanning through @grizzlyghost photos and Amy is correct in that the style of photo that he does is close to what I remember but still can't locate that particular shot, will look again more slowly...
January 18th, 2013
This might be really obvious, perhaps you've already done this, but have you looked at your browser history for the last few days? You might be able to locate it there?
January 18th, 2013
Yep, that is ME in the shot, but @jsorensenart Jake is the photographer:

January 18th, 2013
... no bears though; that would have been a thrill :) I haven't seen another shot with the elements described above, so this is my best guess.
January 18th, 2013
@grizzlysghost That's brilliant. Thanks so much, I think this is quite stunning and if I can get my skills anywhere close to this I would be well chuffed. Thanks again to you and @amyamoeba and @monkeykid and @roachling for your input. :))
January 18th, 2013
Have you tried looking through Jake Sorensen's pics (@jsorensenart). He is often out with @grizzlyghost
January 18th, 2013
@salza Tks for your input, Success , image located :))
January 18th, 2013
@grizzlysghost The Bears memory must have come from a faint memory of your username ( Grizzlyghost ) - You wouldn't want me as a key witness for the defense :))
January 18th, 2013
@felix2013 Haha, that makes perfect sense! Your details were otherwise very accurate!
January 18th, 2013
Ah, I want to see that picture now! Someone post it here please ;)
January 18th, 2013
It's there!! *points at screen*
January 18th, 2013
@grizzlysghost - How do you survive in conditions like that? That just looks so brutally cold. Fantastic shot by the way.
January 18th, 2013
@bobfoto Haha, thanks Jason; I've often wondered the same of your jungle shots! So brutally humid and... jungly...!
January 18th, 2013
@grizzlysghost As long as it is on the otherside of the river. I've been chased by a bear (a yearling), but still not a thrill you want to experience. I couldn't even go up a tree, as yearlings can climb, too. drop, play dead...are you kidding...never even entered my mind.
January 18th, 2013
@grizzlysghost - I just became an expert in the art of sweating.
January 18th, 2013
@manek43509 Its the pic posted above? I can't see the bears ;(
January 18th, 2013
Yes, I think it is. And I think @grizzlysghost said there actually weren't any bears.

I was just being silly with my response, though.
January 19th, 2013
@grizzlysghost wow, even after you credit me for the shot people still think that it is yours

@bobfoto Jason I'll assume that you meant to tag me with the comment "Fantastic shot by the way" in your comment to Aaron

and Hugh @felix2013 I'm surprised to hear that you are so taken with this image that you are taking it to a photoshop class as a standard to aspire to and never even left a comment on the photo!

like everyone else, I just like to be credited for my work
Thanks for crediting me Aaron even if it was missed my some.
January 19th, 2013
@jsorensenart Haha, awesome Jake; get some! Sorry if I contributed anything to the confusion. I also was surprised Hugh didn't comment. Anyway, terribly sorry if it looked like I was taking any credit; feel kind of bad about it tbh.
January 19th, 2013
@grizzlysghost no worries Aaron, never thought that you where trying to take credit for it.
January 19th, 2013
@jsorensenart Well, hindsight being what it is, I could have reminded Jason it was your shot instead of saying "Thanks." I'm a tool. I'll sleep on the couch tonight... ;)
January 19th, 2013
@jsorensenart - I did think about that Jake, but I thought it was @grizzlysghost who made the photo great!!!

Only kidding.

I'm just super jelly because it looks like you guys were having a real blast out there. I don't see weather like this so its kinda magical seeing what you guys are getting up to.
January 19th, 2013
@manek43509 I know you were! I actually liked your response, got a chuckle out of it ;)
January 19th, 2013
@jsorensenart Many apologies Jake, That's really bad of me , I seem to have thanked everyone but you and I feel ashamed for that , I hit the FAV button, and the follow you button but should have personally acknowledged you and the image as well. It was getting late for me here in the UK but no excuse and I got swept away with the speed that the post bought results. Please be assured I am in no way working with your photo, I just need to say to the course tutor that I would like to be able to work to this standard. Comment on photo is there now and I repeat my apologies :))

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