Online photography courses

January 20th, 2013
Just wondering if anyone can suggest a good online Australian course, that's not hideously expensive.
Also, are they worth it? The course content on some look quite thorough eg and others seem to cover the things I've learned from my time on 365 thus far.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions!
January 20th, 2013
This course is free

You can buy follow up DVD if you find it interesting and useful

January 20th, 2013
Thanks for that link Paul. Think I'll go for that one. The DVD's look to be reasonably priced as well.
January 20th, 2013

Brendan Maunder is in Australia.....and makes a recommendation.....
January 20th, 2013
Why pay for online photography courses? There is so much free information out there on the net and you can find in depth articles on just about any aspect of photography for free. Google is your friend ;-)
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