Canon 7D vs. Sony SLT - A77

March 11th, 2013
OK, I know that most people on this site prefer Canon over Sony. Problem is I have a Sony A-55 with some lenses. I went to the camera shop to discuss upgrading to a Canon 7D, but the pros there recommended I go with a Sony A-77 instead. They insisted image quality is the same across the cameras, sharpness, etc, but that the Sony has many more features to recommend it. Help! I need input! :)
March 11th, 2013
You could always get a lens adapter if you wish to transfer the Sony lenses to be used on the Canon. If that is the sticking point.
March 11th, 2013
Having used both the A65 and A77, (A77 being my current camera), image quality is identical, and body size is a little heavier/larger but usability is much improved with extra buttons, fully articulated LCD, second dial, more customisability etc. Personally I would choose Sony or Nikon over Canon, but it is just that - personal preference.

As your advisers say, image quality is negligible these days with same generation bodies. Much more important is 'personal fit', (i.e. how it feels in your hands), and your own requirements of specific features that each camera may or may not have.

As an aside, why do you feel the need to upgrade from the A65? What doesn't it do that you feel the A77 or 7D will?
March 11th, 2013
I would also recoment the Sony A77. If I was to upgrade today that would be the camera for me. You will also find the lenses to be better from Sony. Sony has the steady shot in camera many other brands do not (Nikon and Canon) so you would pay for their VR or IS each time you bought a lens. I am not paid by Sony.
March 11th, 2013
@harveyzone I have an A55. I'm not completely happy with the sharpness/image quality of the photos, but one of my biggest issues is the graininess in the viewfinder when I'm taking indoor photos. My eyesight isn't great and I often find I haven't focused well on the images taken during low light situations, but they looked fine to me at the time. It appears to me that the viewfinder is superior in the A77.
March 11th, 2013
@sabresun The lenses aren't really a sticking point for me. I'm down to two functioning lenses that I like - a sigma macro lens and a 50mm portrait lens. My thought is, what if I want to get a serious professional camera at some point down the road? I would hate to invest a lot more money in Sony lenses just to decide I wished I had gone Canon 5-7 years down the road.
March 12th, 2013
Sorry - I misread that you had an a65, not an a55.

Your a55 will not in itself be causing image sharpness problems as it is a decent body, however not everyone gets on with the viewfinder. The a77 does have a better viewfinder than the a55, although it is still not for everyone. If you do manual focusing, however, then it has one setting that trumps most other bodies - focus peaking. Very useful for macro work. In the end it boils down to what feels right for you, and that may be the Canon.

Oh, and don't get too hung up on the 'pros shoot Canon' thing . Pros shoot whatever gets them the images that they need, and plenty of pros shoot Sony especially with the growing range of Zeiss lenses that are made for a-mount.
March 12th, 2013
Tom Harvey @harveyzone is right about the peaking function in the a65 and a77.. Makes macro a breeze. I have the a65 and have been very pleased with it. You are at a cross roads right now considering you only have two a-mount lenses, meaning switching brands is reasonable. I've got 7 lens and cannot switch without losing $$. Something to consider....

One thing I've noted is that if you ever plan to do astro or star shots, the Sonys do not excel at this. Canon seems to do really well with low light. Best of luck.
March 12th, 2013
@harveyzone Thanks for the tips. I'll research the focus peeking feature! I'm rarely pleased with my focus in macro shots -that might be a help.
January 12th, 2015
I have the Sony A55 and I recently bought the Sony A77II. This camera is a miracle and I highly recommend it. Read the reviews.
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