Street Photography/Busy Photos?

March 14th, 2013
I'm doing an english oral for school and it's based on perception and photography. Does anyone have a very busy, yet clear photo that I would be able to use as an example?
It's where they look at the photo with just their eyes and then focus on one aspects of the photo using a paper telescope.
I want to get as many different outcomes as possible.
Thanks in advance!
March 14th, 2013
I would adore you to use @northy 9th march post.....many loved it it and so did I but for different reasons then others stated...if this is like an experiment...I would soooo love to know the outcome cuz it has stuck in my head
March 14th, 2013
After asking her permission to use...if that's alright @northy it is

March 14th, 2013
Hope it can help...
March 14th, 2013
You can have a look at my South African album ... There is some busy pictures :)
March 14th, 2013

March 14th, 2013
March 14th, 2013

Just a few but there's probably loads in my 3rd album
March 14th, 2013

March 15th, 2013
sure :)
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