Unwanted users making rude comments

April 29th, 2013
I do not know about you? But I would appreciate a block option for others who make rude comments on your pictures. We are here for mere art and everyone has a different eye and opinion on what art is. Thats what makes it Art. I recently have come to face a challanging person, @sunshine. They leave rude comments on my page when they themselves have no pictures. This makes me believe that they are on here for the wong reasons. Depicting my grammer has nothing to do with my pictures. Its just being rude and vindictive. so if anyone else has had issues with this please report this person to ross as well. I know that even if this user gets deleted they may just make a new account and start all over again , hense the blocking option. That would be great if it could be figured out on how to do this.

Thank you
April 29th, 2013
Nasty comments. Suggest you strongly present your case to Russ to remove this person from the site. There is no justification for this rudeness. @Scrivna
April 29th, 2013
@Frank- thank you , Haha i was unsure of his user name !
April 29th, 2013
@scrivna- Please read the above post. I am looking to have this person removed and also if their is any way that you could provide people with a blocking option that would be even better. This is so they may not start up a new user name and having to go threw this process all over again.
There is evidence under almost every picture of this harassment.
Thank You Kindly!
April 29th, 2013
Man what a complete douche @sunshine is. Hopefully they remove them so you can enjoy the site. 99.9% of people on here are awesome.
April 29th, 2013
@kevin -Thank you! I agree with you on the majority of everyone being awesome! Honostly it just makes them look bad, however they should not be on here at all if all they want to do is make rude comments and not take any pictures themselves.
April 29th, 2013
How horrible for you. I hope Ross can get this sorted out for you. You have to try and be strong with regards to this issue though. It's much easier to ignore the comments and not give them any fuel for the fire by replying to them. Just speak to those people you want to and ignore this particularly vile person. Really they're not worth your energy. You'll find that this isn't something that happens too often on this site. The vast majority of people here are lovely, caring, sharing and generous. So welcome to 365 and don't let this one person spoil it for you :o) xx
April 29th, 2013
Just my 2 cents, but if it were me I wouldn't dignify this user's remarks with any replies. Hit that magic delete button and get on with your shooting.
April 29th, 2013
@ Lisa and @ Leslie- I completely agree. There was some strategic planning behind all of that. I did delete the first photo that they commented on, However upon the second one i realized that i just had deleted all of my proof so i decided to entice them a little bit so when i was submitting my email to ross the proof be there again. I stopped replying back after the last one, then sent ross an email. However thank you! I do believe that this is going ot be great fun!
April 29th, 2013
Well I clicked on her link above @aliciagibson she is gone!!! @Scrivna is on the ball!!!! And I have never had to use the delete comment button, but would say that would be a good start also. Good luck and Welcome to 365.
April 29th, 2013
In nearly 16 months on 365 this is the first time that I have seen anybody behave so rudely towards another person, and am quite shocked. Welcome to 365 and the very best of luck with your project. You will find the friends that you make very supportive and considerate, you will get to know some incredible photographers, and I am sure you will improve your skills too, just like so many who have been before you.
April 29th, 2013
I had trouble w/ a young kid who was commenting on the skin color or my niece and the size of my daughter's forehead... I just deleted his comments and he stopped. Not appropriate... glad she's gone.
April 29th, 2013
@katie that's horrible .. Sunshine is still on here if you look under my pictures and click their link. Their name is not in likeness to their personality lol that's for sure
April 29th, 2013
Sorry you had to go thru that there's one in every bunch. But don't let 1 bad apple spoil your fun on this great site.
April 29th, 2013
@aliciagibson I am sorry Leasha... I clicked on the one you had above and it said sorry page could not be found. I hope Ross gets this corrected for you quickly.
April 29th, 2013
It's ok! Yes it does that to me too! Oh I won't let them get me don't after all I know this is not a spelling contest lol
April 29th, 2013
never feed the trolls

they're just after attention, its hard but really its best to ignore them or just delete their comments

life is too short to get into it with someone like that
April 29th, 2013
I thnk that page has been taken off. Keep shooting. There is a difference between a mean person and someone offering suggestions they think might improve your photo.
April 29th, 2013
I make it an absolute rule in life to ignore ignorant people. It really isn't worth wasting energy on them.

Welcome to 365. Keep snapping and keep posting.
April 29th, 2013
Hi, I've just removed the account, totally unacceptable behaviour! There's nothing stopping them from creating a new account so keep diligent, we don't need that nonsense here.
Thanks guys for keeping this such a nice place to hang out, it truly amazes me how little trouble we have here, you guys are great :-)
April 29th, 2013
@ross thank you so much!
April 29th, 2013
I wish there was a like option like on Facebook, I'd TOTALLY like how quickly the community squashed that turd!
April 29th, 2013
yeah it was great thanks all!
April 30th, 2013
Wow! I have been a 365er for 8 months now and this is the 1st time i have ever heard of a problem like this. fortualtely the good out weigh the bad, so happy Ross put a stop to it. hope you can continue with your project with out harassment.
April 30th, 2013
@aliciagibson take no notice Leasha, you've got great pix, friends to make and some great days to look forward to here on 365, all they have is bitterness :)

@seanoneill Still lurking then Sean :))
April 30th, 2013
@bluefirebucket hope to be back soon Mick, so have a browse every now and again.
April 30th, 2013
I love 365 and have not encountered a rude person yet. Any Criticism is always kind and always helpful.
May 1st, 2013
I just encountered my first rude commenter on my April 30th pic. Totally uncalled for. Am unsure if I should just delete his comments, or tell Ross, first.

I mean, seriously. How old are we, here?

Either way, I didn't reply back after the second one.

Edit: Well, he (or someone else) deleted his comments, and now seems to have vanished... Just incase it's my computer, watch out for Ben Whitley.
May 1st, 2013
Nice to know thank you
May 8th, 2013
@rainechan @Scrivna

Raine - I have just found two rude comments by Ben Whitley on my photos and was unsure how to deal with them which is how I found myself here. I am going to delete his comments and leave it at that. I was shocked and surprised as, until this, have only come across kindness and support here.

Ross - Thank you so much for this project - I'm having great fun.
May 15th, 2013
@scrivna and @annemary - I just had Ben Whitley cursing at my photo, calling me foul names and cursing on a self portrait. Not sure what his deal is, as I've never seen him in my life but today's photo, taken by my 8-year-old, has been subjected to his nastiness. I would love a block option or to have him removed because it is uncalled for...

For three years I've seen nothing but love and kindness, this was a first and it was shocking... though I guess that's the point. Not to give him any fan on the flame, but he would (at)bwhitley for his username. I left the comment as evidence - I don't give a flying fart in space about his opinion so to leave it means nothing to me.
May 15th, 2013
Wow, that was fast - thank you @scrivna... the comment and the commenter are gone.
May 15th, 2013
Hey, thanks go letting me know. We won't put up with that nonsense.
May 15th, 2013
@pprmntmochamama @Scrivna Thanks Ross for removing him from the site - I've had a look at your son's photo Amy - pretty good for an eight year old!
May 21st, 2013
@Scrivna troll alert
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