I need help!

May 23rd, 2013
I feel my photography is stuck. I do not know if my ideas gone already . I feel no progress. That makes me sad and frustrated. If any of you have any advice so that I can improve I'll appreciate a lot.

Please excuse if something is bad writing ... I use google translator! :-P

May 23rd, 2013
Usted debe tratar el "Mundane Challenge" es muy útil cuando estoy atrapado!

Aquí hay un enlace a las últimas reto. http://365project.org/discuss/themes-competitions/17912/mundane-challenge-17-coin

*I use google translate too... ;)
May 23rd, 2013
@grizzlysghost Thank you very much!!! I will try it!!!
May 23rd, 2013
Hi Azul. I think we've all gone through that at some point in our project. I just looked at your pictures it actually seems like you have some nice variety and creativity so you shouldn't feel bad at all. I'm sure most people will say that if you need inspiration, that you should try to participate in challenges, like the Get Pushed, the Mundane, or the Technique challenges for example. they definitely helped me when I needed some extra motivation.
May 23rd, 2013
@zulazul There is the Mad-4-Word themes. One word for each day of the month. Today's word is monochrome.
May 23rd, 2013
Keep shooting! You have very good pictures in your portfolio. Follow Aaron's advice and get involved with the little competitons that occur here. I too have needed to be pushed at times. You are not alone. Keep up the great work.
May 23rd, 2013
your photos are good, don't give up, there some ways to take photos i learning all the time i try new tech all the time.. its then you find some you like and improve on it!! you got some great photos i be prod of it.
well done
May 23rd, 2013
Go somewhere that you have never been to before. Something that is completely different for you, maybe a motor race or a ruined building very early in the morning, a building site or an inner city. Take some shots lying down, then get up high if you can, on a wall or up a tree. Just do different things and try different techniques - maybe do a whole days shooting in black and white, or rotate the camera by 30 degrees every time you shoot to capture everything at an angle. You need to clear your head of everything that you have done before
May 23rd, 2013
We all have felt the same way. I have been doing the 365 project for 3 yrs now! - and i have my moments. I would suggest finding a party or event that is happening near where you live........go to it and shoot lots of people in the crowd - -maybe an event you never been to before, so that your eyes will be really open and excited..? - - you are very creative.....i can tell in your photos - - you just need some NEW inspiration! good luck!
May 23rd, 2013
yep - agree with all above - the challenges really gave me direction in past few weeks - and i discovered lots of other peoples work thru them - mundane challenge and eye of the beholder are both good

alternatively a short break ( 2 days no photos allowed!) - might help you get the pleasure & zing back
May 23rd, 2013
The Mad-4-May words are here and I will be asking for suggestions for 'Just-4-June' over the weekend so you can make your own suggestions.
That whole idea of these word list are to give you a challenge for every day of the month if you want that (a lot of us do), or simply a list of words for you to gain some inspiration when you need it.
May 23rd, 2013
No, it doesn't suck. You're just at that dreaded 80-100 photo point that everyone gets to and they feel that they've run out of ideas!!
Go somewhere new with your camera and your mojo will come back :)
May 24th, 2013
quite a few people have said the eye of the beholder challenge has helped them to see things differently and get their creativity flowing again... maybe you can try that one too. http://365project.org/discuss/themes-competitions/17888/eotb9-eye-of-the-beholder-challenge
May 24th, 2013
I've noticed your images are mostly close-up. Perhaps varying your Point of View? You will find times when all seems to repeat, this is part of photography. When I find those times, I try to find new things or see old things in a new way.
May 24th, 2013
I like your photos. Whenever, I get to the point that I think my photos suck, I go backwards in my project. Then, I can tell the difference. I can see the difference in the first month of your photos and your current photos. I agree with all of the above suggestions. Another thing that really helps me from time to time is to concentrate on one thing and improving that one thing. (BW, perspective, framing, cropping, specific compositional elements, etc.).
May 24th, 2013
This project will change your life, but you have to have perspective. We all forget that some days, it is what you want to make of it! You are doing great!
May 24th, 2013
I've been stuck on a plateau myself for months. Sometimes if you can't go forward, the thing to do is go sideways. A bit of lateral thinking won't hurt. Experiment. It may not always turn out as intended, you may not always like the results, but there can be some really interesting discoveries and you can learn a few new things that way.

Get creative with a graphics package. Think how you can make that boring shot original.
May 24th, 2013
hmm perhaps a new toy to play with? a book or something

I don't know if it works for photography because I'm way too random and clueless to feel like I'm in a rut but I know for a fact that there are times when I feel like running is a drudgery and buying a new pair of running shorts or even a running hat can make a difference. You know, just that little push to get you over the hump then you remember why you love it.
May 24th, 2013
What helps me is to shoot blindly: Adjust your camera how you wish (it helps if you're zoomed out and on auto focus; the goal is to get good ideas not skillful quality) and go around taking photos. You ARE NOT allowed to look through the viewfinder or at the screen. You must imagine how the camera is capturing the shot. You can review every once in a while (so that you can learn, "oh, this one is only in the bottom half of the frame, I'll just tilt the camera a little) because learning to shoot blindly is a useful skill. Also, you'll get POVs that you couldn't/wouldn't have thought to compose because you're feeling stuck. When you get a shot you love, recreate it with the camera in manual. Good luck!
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