Family/Group projects?

June 13th, 2013
Hello all!

To celebrate our 100th picture, we thought we'd start a discussion on family and group projects. Having completed 365 by myself last year, and my Dad doing the same, we decided we didn't want to give up altogether once we'd reached the end, so we started a family project. Me (Lucy), Mum (Katharine) and Dad (Ian) do 2 days a week each, and my sister (Louise) has 1 day. It's made for a very varied and interesting project. We find it works for us because it reduces the pressure, but we're all still fully involved in the 365 community.

Has anyone else done something similar? Let us know!

June 13th, 2013
oh heck no, my family would steal credit for anything decent I did and blame me when they took an awful one.
June 13th, 2013
I followed one group. very interesting @theseven
June 13th, 2013
I can`t. Live with my wife only who don`t take pic.`s. but I love you initiative
June 13th, 2013
Not quote, but nearly. I started 365 in January 2012 when challenged by my sister. Soon we were joined by my wife, my son, my sisters two children, and my aunt. My nephew dropped out fairly soon, but we all completed last year, more or less, and a couple of us continued on this year.

We had occasional 'challenges' (alphabet april, rainbow week, literacy week, music week, film week etc) and fall back ideas (Black and White Wednesday, Fun Food Friday, Saturday Spots and Sunday Strpies (or vice versa etc).
June 13th, 2013
@fishers how cool is your project! Love the idea of the family separated but connected through 365, have to follow. I started 365 after seeing my childhood best friend posting photos on Facebook. It has been great to reconnect with her this way as we are separated by land and a lot of ocean.
June 13th, 2013
@fishers I really like this idea! I can see this working with my daughter at some point. I think I'll keep this in mind for my next 365 days!

@aponi LOL!!!!
June 14th, 2013
That is a fantastic idea, Fisher Family. That way, each person wouldn't have to put up a picture every day. I have had three family members on here but they have all cut back or have stopped altogether. I wonder if they would be interesting in doing something like this. I'm guessing not, but I could try. :)
June 14th, 2013
awesome - - so fun to enjoy this hobby as a family! I don't have any family that is involved in this project......they all think it is way too daunting a task - but i am on my 3rd year.....and i love it!
June 14th, 2013
I used to follow the Smith family. I really enjoyed their "stuff." But they have not been posting for a long while now. If i recall correctly, they would discuss each days' photo gathering that had been done by all the family members, and then vote for the one that got to go up that day. Unless there was only one person who shot pics, and then they won by default. Here was their last post..
June 14th, 2013

lol! - we have been pretty good at not doing each other down, but there have been a few surprises about whose photos get most responses, and the experienced 365ers don't necessarily do best!
June 14th, 2013

Thank you Cheryl - I've had a look at the work of @theseven and it's a fascinating project, but with a very different approach to ours.
June 14th, 2013

Thank you Ferry. I appreciate that it won't work for everyone, but it might help some to remain involved with the lower commitment in a group, rather than them leave.
June 14th, 2013

Thank you Tom. Lucy and I both did solo projects last year, and wanted to remain involved but at a less intensive level, so this seemed a good solution, and Louise and Katharine, who are both very busy people, felt they could join in with the lower level of commitment, so it works well for us.
June 14th, 2013

Thank you Nia, it's nice to hear that you have reconnected with your lost friend through posting photos. We certainly think it helps us to feel closer together doing a joint project like this.
June 14th, 2013

Thank you for your comment Meredith - I hope that you can make use of the idea some time!
June 14th, 2013

Thank you Marilyn. All I can say is that it works well for us - two of us have continued being involved when we might have left, and two newbies are dipping their toes in the water, so that's a win for us all.
June 14th, 2013

Thank you Jenny - our family project did draw in two family members who probably wouldn't have done a solo project, and kept the other two of us involved, and we are all enjoying the relaxed pace.
June 14th, 2013

Thank you Mary Beth - I've just had a look at the Smith Family project, and they have some wonderful shots.

We are rather more relaxed in our approach in that we each have set days of the week to post, and we post a shot taken within the last 7 days. Whoever posts comments on the posts from our followers over the last 24 hours, and follows up comments made on their own photos. We do swap and change days too, depending on what else life throws up, so we are quite flexible in what we do - and we are really enjoying it!
July 7th, 2013
@fishers Hi there, I am a friend of Louise's from HWY and have just moved to Italy for 3 years.

Louise told me all about your family project and encouraged me to start one and so I have 'purpleshelley'.

Looking forward to seeing your project grow.

Shelley x
July 7th, 2013

Hello Michelle,

Louise mentioned to us that she had told you about 365. I'm glad that you are joining us here, and we will be following your project. If you need any help with the site or how it works, let us know, and we will try to help. You will find it a very friendly site, so enjoy your time on here, and in Italy!

July 8th, 2013
Ah thank you so much Ian.
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