55 Reasons Why Your Photos Aren't Working

June 21st, 2013
This article has a lot of good things to try if you are feeling like you need some new things to try...
June 21st, 2013
June 21st, 2013
Wow. Lots to think about there. Still a bit of a beginner and am amazed at how much goes into getting a good photo.
June 21st, 2013
Alot of good info. Thanks for sharing.
June 21st, 2013
I suspect that I have more than 55 reasons :-(
June 21st, 2013
I suspect there is only one reason for me: I'm forcing it.
June 21st, 2013
Thanks for posting.
June 21st, 2013
Some points need revision. Like "You're not shooting RAW" and giving the reason that you get more information as support is bogus. Many times more is just more. See Will Crocket for why your skill increases when you shoot jpeg's.
June 21st, 2013
Thank you.
June 21st, 2013
@plasticpilchard Always remember photography is about enjoying all experiences of making the photograph. As Bryan Peterson uses this tag line, "You Keep Shooting."
June 21st, 2013
Really useful
June 21st, 2013
I saw this on facebook today and was going to post. Glad to see you already did it!
June 21st, 2013
A really excellent set of 55 pointers. Everyone here on 365 should read them.
June 22nd, 2013
This was nice...concise suggestions. I picked two to work on over the next week. Thanks for sharing.
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