Help @luvthyclassics

October 31st, 2013
Hey all,

Please help Jesse Hurler, one of my favorite photographers from 365 fund her campaign to have her own photography exhibition! I'm sure many of you know her work @luvthyclassics or with the 5 plus 2 group project @fiveplustwo.

She is just $80 short of her indiegogo campaign goal with 12 hours to go! Let's make it happen.

Please check it out and give a few bucks to push her to her goal.

October 31st, 2013
As soon as I find my pp password will contribute.
October 31st, 2013
Only $50 to go now guys, whilst I appreciate times are tough it would be awesome if anyone could contribute whatever they can.

Jesse is a wonderfully talented young lady, and it has been an absolute privilege to watch her grow as an artist over the last couple of years.

So please help if you can.

All the best Jesse
October 31st, 2013
just contributed, thanks for the heads up.
October 31st, 2013
Just $40 from the promised land!
October 31st, 2013
October 31st, 2013
she has met her goal... :-) How awesome!
October 31st, 2013
Awesome effort guys, nice one Chris for starting the thread she is going to be stoked
November 1st, 2013
Thanks so much for all your help. She definitely deserves her solo exhibition. Glad we could help her and with time to spare!
November 1st, 2013
@chriswang @sianipops @jase_again @chewyteeth @grizzlysghost @cheribug

OH MY GOSH i dont know how I didn't see this thread earlier...
You guys are AMAZING, I honestly don't know how to thank you enough...Chris, it was SO kind of you to help me spread the word, and Jase, Nia, Dave, Aaron and Cheryl -- you are all SO wonderfully gracious to check out my fundraising page and to even consider donating. I checked it last night assuming that I would just end the campaign $100 short of my goal, but then I saw the increase and I saw some of your names in the contributors column and I was seriously blown away!!! The kindness of the people in this community never ceases to amaze and inspire me. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH, and if there is ever anything I can do for you, please do not hesitate to ask :)

Also, I don't care where in the world you live - if you would like print/prints of any of my photos, you need only ask and I will send them to you without hesitation. You can always reach me here, or send me an email at

Love you guys like crazy,

November 1st, 2013
@luvthyclassics Jesse, so pleased you made your goal. If my small donation went through good, I was having some trouble with paypal access. Good luck with your exhibition, let us know how it goes.
November 1st, 2013
nekkid pictures always welcome here.
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