Photography for the Holidays

November 16th, 2013
I am curious as to how many people on this site use their photography as part of their holiday giving or decorating. At the end of each year, I usually turn my 365 pictures into a photo book (about a page a week or so), but that is more for myself.

I have also turned photographs into calendars, mugs, and wall prints. I just wrote a series on my blog with an overview of common photography gifts ( ) and suggestions about where to order them online ( ) and wondered whether I had missed any of your favorite sites or items.

About the only positive I can see for the overabundance of early holiday advertisements is that it reminds me to start designing and ordering gifts now, eep!
November 16th, 2013
I do calendars of kid shots for the rellies, and I do a Christmas themed jus shot for our Christmas card, but that's pretty much it...
November 16th, 2013
Yes, I do calendars. I've done 2 digital albums for myself from each year. I'd like to do more and will check out your blog for ideas.
November 16th, 2013
Christmas ornaments and magnets are fun . . . especially if it includes a picture that someone mentioned they loved or a shot of someone special - they are one-of-a-kind gifts
November 16th, 2013
@juletee Agreed. I like the magnets ideas too - something functional that you would look at a lot but then doesn't take up that much space either.
November 16th, 2013
I am doing a photo shoot for a couple of people foe the 365 book idea..will check out the blog...thanks Katie!
November 16th, 2013
@juletee oh - i've done magnets and playing cards for gifts too... and occasionally mugs and shirts... but these sort of depend on having half decent head shots of the kids, which is a rarity these days... i tend to prefer shots with more context in them and they don't work so well for these sorts of things... i do like to do photo albums of the kids as well as gifts for family, but its starting to get a bit old... i've never used/given any of my artier shots for gifts, altho i make them into a calendar for our kitchen (and no one who visits ever looks at it or oohs / aaaaahs over it, so i just kind of assume my stuff doesn't resonate ;p
November 16th, 2013
I have given framed pictures to several family members as Christmas Gifts!
November 16th, 2013
@northy You are right - it usually has to be a good head shot for an ornament - I have a friend who is a huge Packer Football fan and he has a christmas tree with just packer ornaments - I wanted to get him an unusual ornament -one that no one else could buy - so I took a head shot of the Vince Lombardi statue in front of the stadium and had it made in to the ornament . . . it turned out great -- and it is definitely one of a kind!
November 16th, 2013
@juletee now THAT is cool! what a great idea!
November 16th, 2013
One friend has always been supportive and interested in this project. She has just given me a list of photos and months for me to make into a calendar for her as a Christmas present.
Previously I have done calendars with children for families and mugs.
November 16th, 2013
I make cards.If you use Shutterfly they will sometimes offer 101 free prints.All you pay is shipping and handling.Then I buy blank cards and glue the photographs on.
November 16th, 2013
Great ideas. Also like the new blog site.
November 16th, 2013
I put a selection of pictures from a family vacation on a memory card, and gave it to my parents along with a digital photo frame. I also looked into getting a jigsaw puzzle made, but ended up not doing it.
November 16th, 2013
I have done calendars, photo books and a canvas for a friend who really liked the photo when I posted it months earlier ~ I have done photo books for anniversaries
November 16th, 2013
I try to print cards myself. I have made cards and pasted photos in them in the past. I like the idea of the picture being both the present and the card.
November 16th, 2013
I display some of my shots on a wall in the house so people can compliment me; it gives them a nice warm feeling. Sometimes I'll let them shake my hand, or pat me on the back; because it is the season of giving after all. One year, I let each of my guests clean one of my cameras; they still talk about it!
November 16th, 2013
@grizzlysghost :) How long did that take them to do?
November 16th, 2013
I gave them each 5 minutes and they were grateful little elves! ;)
November 16th, 2013
@grizzlysghost - I get frustrated when after 3 minutes of entering my house, my friends have yet to compliment me on my work, so I usually prompt them with a casual What do you think of my photos? To which they often reply with the lamest backhanded compliment of Oh you took these shots, I thought they were professional ones...
November 16th, 2013
@bobfoto @grizzlysghost I find a tip jar usually gets the message across.
November 16th, 2013
@bobfoto Haha, indeed! And good idea Katie!
November 17th, 2013
When I took lots of baby pictures of my daughter and took the train to visit family, I also used them for calendars. Now that you mention it, that's a good idea for this year. Haven't shared my recent photos with family. Not sure why.
November 17th, 2013
@archaeofrog Thanks for all of the great ideas on your blog, Katie.
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