Legal Highs from Photography - what are yours?

December 16th, 2013
Here are my 5 Legal Highs from photography this month. What are yours?

1. Just seeing my Top Twenty gallery of images go live on the camera club website. Check it out here if you have a moment to spare:

2. Getting a photo published in the local newspaper.

3. Seeing one of my photos on the Popular Page over the weekend.

4. Being chosen in the top 5 for the Get Pushed Challenge last week.

5. Proof of how supportive the photography community can be when I read the comment of a 365er who is having a really bad time and then saw the dozens of lovely messages back to him.
December 16th, 2013
I don't know that I can get up to five, but

1. Getting my eBook, Boost Your Photography: Learn Your DSLR, published and received such a warm reception from the 365 community.

2. Getting an article out on Digital Photography School

3-5-Infinity. Thankful for the amazing feedback, friendships, and pushes that this community provides on a daily basis!
December 16th, 2013

1. I'll go with no 5 straightaway, Julie, and there was a similar one not long ago. I think it's not an exaggeration to say that 365 can be a lifesaver.

2. Having a couple of shots on PP and a couple on Trending and realising that it's not always my favourite shots which find favour with followers. This makes me reflect a bit more on my shots.

3.. Getting another new camera when one I bought turned out to be not quite right for me, which is something I would not have dreamt of doing other than being on 365 - I'd just have stuck with the first one.

4. Mostly, all the great 'conversations' with friends and followers around my photos and theirs.
December 16th, 2013
1. winning prizes at my photography club, all for 365 photos!
2. the creative buzz I get responding to challenges, the process of an idea trickling through into reality always gives me a buzz
3. seeing everyone's awesome images, some just make me go ahhh! :)
4. the lovely interractions I have with some people here, online friendships can be rewarding
5. the constant reward of seeing that red flag!
December 16th, 2013
1.Visiting and Photographing my nieces for their Christmas Card

2.Capturing a closeup of a Black Bear

3.Capturing a closeup of a Coopers Hawk
4Capturing a snowflake

5.365 highs :winning two challenges ,having an image on the TT and being in the finals of a weekly theme.Mostly participating in challenges with all the amazing people of 365 is the biggest high,

December 16th, 2013
1. Finishing my first year on 365 a few days ago !

2. The wonderful comments and reaction to my final collage photo, and putting it on the PP.

3. The response to a member who is in a sad place. This is a such a caring community.

4. My first photo for the second year on the PP !

5. Being here amongst friends
December 16th, 2013
The best feeling is when I lick yet another chunk of Photoshop and see significant results. The latest was to get that whole sharpening stuff in Camera Raw sorted out and understand and actually see what each of the four sliders do. And why...
December 17th, 2013
1. The first photo of mine I saw on the PP...I have forgotten what it was. That was 2.5 years ago.

2. Looking though the lens of my new and first DSLR and seeing that it would focus on spider webs...unlike my p and s

3. Getting a few pics on the TT

4. A meet up this summer with Katy @grammym ...I had never actually met or called to hear her voice, but she drove to stay with me and we had a BLAST! @prn

5. Watching my first year's "year end video" I made to relive my year. I cried as I watched. What a year that was. I was so mom died when I was in Month 2, and this hobby And all the people here helped me make it...with a smile on my face and laughter in my heart. This site and photography helped me rediscover the awe I used to have for the small miracles that are out there 365 days a year! If you are open to noticing them!
December 17th, 2013
1. Realizing I'm a photographer
2. Honing my writing skills for reflection and for fun
3. Meeting people world-wide who are equally passionate (and nice to boot--I mean, folks are "do your mama proud" nice) about photography
4. Pushing myself to do something good for me for an entire year--can't say I've ever done that.
5. Opening my eyes and ears to things I never noticed before--and learning to capture those experiences as much as possible.
December 17th, 2013
@espyetta So glad I got to be part of that too!! @grammyn @prn
December 17th, 2013
@darylo great list! And yes! It was great meeting up. We need to do it again...
December 17th, 2013
1. winning first place in my favorite local magazine's annual photo contest
2. Capturing a snowy owl
3. doing a solo exhibit in the local library
4. doing a group exhibit in the new art center
5. being a part of a newly formed photography group
6.accomplishing manual settings in a new environment
7. Selling print, canvas and metal of my images
8. "meeting" and enjoying the wonderful people on 365
9. going on a photo adventure with a new photography friend
10. pressing the shutter release and knowing there is something great being captured.
December 17th, 2013
@espyetta @darylo Oh, yeah! Ready for another one as soon as possible!!
December 17th, 2013
It seems that it is a very positive thing to take time to reflect on the benefits of photography!
@archaeofrog Wow, well done you! I've always wanted to write a book, but never got beyond the first few chapters.
@quietpurplehaze @kali66 Yes, it's so subjective isn't it? The ones of mine that have been popular have not necessarily done well in club competitions, but doing the project has certainly made me a better photographer!
@mzzhope @cazann Yes, the community just keeps me going on...
@frankhymus I installed Lightroom last spring and seem to use that almost exclusively now in preference to Photoshop- I find it much faster for the minimal processing I want to do, although there are times when only PS will do!
@espyetta I really agree with both of your last two comments. I love the friendships, my only regret is that I've never got to meet up with a fellow 365er. There aren't that many around here in North Yorkshire.
@darylo Yes, that 'me' time is very important and it's great to see the results!
@jannkc Wowzer, 10 great things - you win!
December 17th, 2013

My husband,Ray and I have been lucky to meet up with two 365ers and their respective partners this year. In each case we all 'clicked' and had a great time - more meetings promised.
And I forgot to say that I've completed a digital photography workshop course and now actually understand how my camera works.
And I have joined a digital photography group.
December 17th, 2013
@julieco I use Camera Raw a lot. Every shot I take actually. That is, basically, the retouch and adjustment part of Lightroom. Use the rest, layers, filters, resize etc less often.
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