Help! I accidentally deleted an SD card!

December 24th, 2013
Any of you know if it is possible to recover photos from an SD card after they have been deleted? I went to delete one thing off of my SD card and it deleted everything, like 258 photos. Some I had already copied to my hard drive on my computer, some I recovered from either pictures I had sent through e-mails or uploaded to 365. However, I hate wondering if I missed something important. Any ideas of how to recover these? Please, any advice would be awesome! Thanks!
December 24th, 2013
I've never used it but I've read that there is.
December 24th, 2013
It was in an article about street photography, it advised if anyone became aggressive about demanding you delete the photos, delete them, and if they really, really mattered to you, there was software to recover them.

If you can't find it, you could check with your camera store/computer store. They might be able to do it for you, but it might be pricey.
December 24th, 2013
I found a program on Anyone ever used this?
December 24th, 2013
Google "sd card recovery." and "sd card undelete" if no one has a specific program to recommend - I found info on each search. And you probably don't want to use the card until you've resolved the problem - deleted files remain until they are overwritten, as they do on our computers.
December 24th, 2013
I downloaded the cardrecovery program, cost me $50, but it seems to be working. Recovering files now! Woo Hoo!
December 24th, 2013
Yes, there are ways to recover deleted pictures from an SD card. @abirkill knows a lot about these technical things. Maybe he can help. Also, I had some deleted by accident once and a friend was able to recover them. I believe he had a program similar to some you can find on line. I'm sure someone will be able to tell you what to do. Hang in there and in the mean time, I'd use a different card in your camera just in case!
December 24th, 2013
I usually recommend Recuva on the PC, it's simple to use, works well and is free of charge:

I'm not sure of any specific programs for the Mac, but there will certainly be a lot to choose from.

Edit: D'oh, too late!
December 24th, 2013
It recovered them. And, now I have a program in case I do it again. Too bad I jumped the gun and bought it before I found the free version. Thanks for all of the help.
December 24th, 2013
I know SanDisk have a program which I believe is free if you own a SanDisk SD card.

Best practice though. Back up your SD cards regularly and potentially do a format after each backup. This means you never get confused about which photos are backed up.
December 24th, 2013
@homeschoolmom great news.
December 24th, 2013
I agree with @abirkill Recuva, saved the day for me before!

Glad you got your files back Lisa :)
December 24th, 2013
Agreed - Recuva is a great program - and it a clean, free option (ie no spamware etc). Very simple to use and it recovered 98% of the wedding photos I thought were gone for good!
December 24th, 2013
The free version of Recuva worked beautifully for me when I did the same thing after my camera battery ran out during uploading and I mistakenly thought it had transferred everything before that happened. OK, it didn't recognize any of the RAW files so couldn't restore those, but I got the jpgs back which is more than I'd otherwise have had.
December 24th, 2013
I didn't have an answer for this but it is good information to have going forward. My problem is more forgetting to delete after I down load. Easier to deal with. I hope you recovered everything Lisa.
December 24th, 2013
My SD card failed a few weeks back... @northy recommended Stellar Phoenix Photo Recovery... it worked wonderfully. I ended up buying it just in case. Images are priceless!
December 24th, 2013
@homeschoolmom Glad you have the images and glad you have a dependable program and no viruses or malware! And I'm glad you started this thread. Hopefully the next time someone has the problem it will help them. Myself, I didn't even know you could recover files from a corrupt card, so that's good to know.
May 29th, 2014
Check this YouTube video about how to recover photos, videos, audios, etc from SD card:
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