Feb Photo Challenge 2014

January 23rd, 2014
A few of us newbies (@claireasaurous, @katymould, @soundandfury, @jilldopud) are working together to keep each other motivated and we've come up with a photo challenge list for February.

We'll be kicking off on the 1st and would love it if you joined us!

To take part just take photo to fit each day's theme and tag it "FebPhoto2014"

Can't wait to see what you come up with! x

January 23rd, 2014
Is the different from the existing daily word challenge?
January 23rd, 2014
@jankoos yeah we are pretty new so we hadn't realised there was one so we just came up with a list together :)

You could mix and match ;)
January 23rd, 2014
Great pattern. I like it.
January 23rd, 2014
@lenarn :) look forward to seeing your pics!
January 23rd, 2014
I like vibrant for Feb 27. The alternate word could be 50 : )
January 23rd, 2014
What a great idea!!! If I get stuck at any time since I am a newbie also, this will come in handy, thank you for sharing this :-)
January 23rd, 2014
@traceyhn @leanne333 :) no problem! Vibrant was @katymould's idea. It's going to be fun!
January 23rd, 2014
nice idea!! just have to remember!
January 23rd, 2014
I like many of the subjects you chose and hope to participate in some of these challenges.
January 23rd, 2014
Forgive me if these are daft questions, but I presume the photos will be posted as normal on my page? and does it have to be with that tag alone?
January 23rd, 2014

Yes you just post as normal and for any challenge on here just add the relevant tag for that challenge, plus any other tags you would usually add.
January 23rd, 2014
@brigette :) yeah that's half the battle!

@cimes1 great! Look forward to seeing them.

@smiffy37 Hi! They're not fat at all. Yeah just post as normal on your project and add the febphoto2014 yeah to any other tags you use. This one isn't a competition. Just a list of v ideas to help keep is inspired and push us.
January 23rd, 2014
@quietpurplehaze Many thanks Hazel.
January 23rd, 2014
@mei_photography thanks Mel, in that case I might have a go....
January 23rd, 2014
@smiffy37 great! X
January 23rd, 2014
@smiffy37 eep! Just realised my autocorrect changed "daft" to "fat"... Oh dear!
January 23rd, 2014
Looks like fun
January 23rd, 2014
This looks like fun, think i will join in. :-)
January 23rd, 2014
@lenarn brilliant! The more the merrier!
January 23rd, 2014
mmmm I've already put suggestions in for monthly word list challenge as i'm completing jumpin-4-January and loving it. But I another one would give lots of ideas.
January 23rd, 2014
January 23rd, 2014
Awesome Challenge. I'd like to give it a shot.
January 26th, 2014
@la5ell great! ! Looking forward to seeing your pics x
January 29th, 2014
I'm in.
January 29th, 2014
@skstein Brilliant! Nearly time to get started :) x
January 29th, 2014
Am having trouble reading day 4. Is it bam or 8:00 AM?
January 29th, 2014
@skstein Oh yeah, that's hard to read on here. 8:00am (although BAM is a great idea for another list...)
February 2nd, 2014
@mei_photography can the words on the list be used in any order, or do they have to correspond to the date they are listed next to on the list?
February 2nd, 2014
@skstein Hiya! I'm doing them in order but by all means, make what you want of it! It's just a wee bit of fun and prompts to keep us all inspired :) x
February 27th, 2014
I hadn't jumped into this until Day 8 when my photo just happened to fit the topic! I've enjoyed using the list every day since and am so glad I reread the list every day because tomorrow's "Depth"? I had originally read it as "Death" and was not looking forward to that one! Darn Comic Sans font! LOL!
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