Help Retrieving Deleted Photo Files

January 23rd, 2014
Many of my photo files were accidentally deleted off my computer. Is there a possibility they are still on the hard drive somewhere or are they gone? If they are still there, how to I find them?
January 23rd, 2014
Provided you hadn't formatted your drive they are still there do a search for file recovery software. Sandisk used to do a free thing if you bought an SD card from them there seems to be quite a few free ones out there.
January 23rd, 2014
When you delete any file on your computer, it doesn't disappear completely until it's been overwritten by a new file. Deleting a file just tells the computer's operating system (Windows, Mac, Linux) that the space originally occupied by the file is available for storage.
The first thing is to use the computer as little as possible until the files are retrieved. Have you checked the Recycle Bin (Windows) or Trash (Mac) to see if they're there? If they're no longer in Recycle Bin/Trash, there are programs you can purchase that will recover the files, if they're still recoverable.
January 23rd, 2014
Do you have the images backed up anywhere - still on camera card, second copy on external hard drive, online storage (i.e. Carbonite, CrashPlan)?
January 23rd, 2014
The photos will probably still be there unless you have written to the disk or formatted it since you deleted them. I've used a download called Recuva to successfully recover shots from a memory card - but the very act of downloading and installing Recuva might overwrite some of your shots. For the future, a second copy of your photos on an external drive would be a good precaution to protect your images.

January 23rd, 2014
If you do use a recover program, do not recover the images to the same hard drive they were deleted from, otherwise you run the risk of the recovery overwriting images yet to be recovered. Recover the images to any other storage device (i.e. thumb drive) and then copy them back onto your hard drive.
January 23rd, 2014
I did the same last week accidentally but Carbonite got them all back. It is about $49 a year.
January 23rd, 2014
I don't have another drive to put them on - can I recover them to an online storage site?
January 23rd, 2014
Usually, in order for the files to be stored at an online storage site, they have to reside on your computer initially. Go out and buy a USB thumb drive and use that as the recovery location.
January 23rd, 2014
You guys are going to think I am so ditzy - I have a flash drive - Scan disk and had most of the pics on that but today when I put the password in, I could not open the drive. I wrote the password on the drive package so I would not lose it but it keeps saying invalid password. If I can access these pics I will have all but the last month.
January 23rd, 2014
@cimes1 Can you explain how Carbonite got the pics back?
January 23rd, 2014
I once postponed a back up for a couple of days and within those days before I did the back up, suffered a corrupt hard drive, I lost lots of photos and a load of degree coursework, but a programme called Recover My Files got most of it back for me - it does a deep scan. If you google it, I'm sure you'll find it available somewhere on the net.
January 23rd, 2014
The free version of Recuva salvaged my accidentally deleted files for me. It didn't get the Raw format, but it did rescue all the jpgs.

Of course if you're running Windows you could look at the Recycle Bin and maybe restore some from there.
January 23rd, 2014
Did you just accidentally hit "delete" or did you do something more drastic? As @mercuria Ariel suggested, if the accidental delete key, they'll be in your Recycle Bin where you can simply select them (or a directory if you did the delete to a folder) and then "recover selected files." Unless you have cleaned your Recycle Bin, and then you'll need Recuva (or better) or something similar.
January 24th, 2014
Oh Cheri. I have no suggestions, but am interested in reading the responses from those who do. Hope you recover them. All else fails, take your computer to the Geek Squad.
January 24th, 2014
My sister in law lost her photos, she just went straight to the computer shop and they found them all. Dont muck around with programs if you do not know what you are going...go straight to the experts. Good luck
January 24th, 2014
Thank for all your suggestions! I used Recuva and got pretty much all my files back - a few were broken. I did delete the Recycle Bin - I only deleted one file but for some reason all my recent files were deleted also - don't know how. I tried to download Carbonite to store my files in now but it won't open for me. I will continue to look for an online storage product to keep my pics safe int he future.
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