Awesome Photography

February 12th, 2014
I would love to try this but....I'm too chicken :)
Unless someone brave wants to come along with me!
February 12th, 2014
Very interesting.... Taps into some interesting pschycology.....
February 12th, 2014
What an amazing video, it made me smile, thank you for sharing. I would do it, but like you, Christine, I would need someone to do it with me.
February 12th, 2014
Thanks for this. It little piece of light!
February 13th, 2014
Wow. I honestly need to get more gutsy. I'd love to do stuff like this. On they had a 100 Strangers challenge of taking 100 photos of complete strangers - both as a way to better your photography, but also to enhance your interactions with people...especially strangers. Great project. One day!!!!
February 13th, 2014
@cindyloo As part of my therapy I just might do it but not yet. I think I am a long way from there yet.
February 13th, 2014
@k1w1 - Good luck to you! :) It will take me a bit to work my way to that as well...not that I'm a shy person...I just don't feel very comfortable going up to complete strangers asking to take their photo!! Eeeks! Then I stop to think, what am I missing out on by not trying it? Hmmm.
February 13th, 2014
As a woman, you have to show a great deal of confidence to approach people and ask them to do this. It can be done but if you are not confident yourself, you may not get the desired results.
February 13th, 2014
Wow ! That was cool and sweet!
February 13th, 2014
That was incredible!!
February 13th, 2014
It's similar to the 100 Strangers project

Similar, yet different.
February 13th, 2014
Wonderful! Thanks for the share. Don't give @padlock ideas though - you wouldn't be able to stop him grabbing strangers for a hug!
February 13th, 2014
Now that seems like a good idea to me. @steampowered you know me so well.
February 13th, 2014
I have been sharing this on Facebook. It's a great idea, and all of my photo friends and tv colleagues love it!
February 13th, 2014
@steampowered @padlock I do expect a hug when I get to the UK...whenever that is

Thanks for sharing this, I always say a hug makes a difference...more hugs people MORE hugs :-)
February 13th, 2014
@huvesaker As long as I don't have to hug @padlock ...
February 13th, 2014
@steampowered yup you do
February 13th, 2014
@huvesaker @steampowered. do I have say in who I hug??
February 13th, 2014
Don't sound like it to me Padlock :) Seems ya gunna get hugged by everyone like it or not :)

@padlock @huvesaker @steampowered
February 13th, 2014
@k1w1 Oh well will just have to grin and bare it!!!! @huvesaker@steampowered.
February 13th, 2014
@padlock @k1w1 you can have a say but we will ignore
February 13th, 2014
@huvesaker @padlock @k1w1 Bags I get to cuddle the ladies first! :o))
February 13th, 2014
@steampowered @huesaker, bet you dont!!!
February 13th, 2014
@padlock @steampowered @huvesaker
Thank you all for the smiles :) I am really going to work on being able to do this one day...not hugging Padlock....although I might get to that at some point....I mean getting some strangers together on the street and taking some photos like this :)
May 21st, 2014
Christine, I just found this thread. We can do this when we go to Toronto. It would be fantastic, are you up for it. I'm excited. I loved the video and know we can do it and engage others. Are you ready? @k1w1
May 22nd, 2014
@cathrinemitch you're on 😬
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