Shit My Photography Professor Says

April 25th, 2014
It's Friday here, and I'm just about done work for the week. For those of you that still have to go through Friday, enjoy the rantings of a mad man. I wish I had a prof like this.
April 25th, 2014
:) would loved that my tutors were like him
April 25th, 2014
He certainly has his OPINIONS. People who are trying to make an impression by being crude and rude don't impress me at all.
April 25th, 2014
And this is a teacher? Egomaniac. I wonder what we might have to say about his work? :)
April 25th, 2014
He rocks! Love him! :-)
April 25th, 2014
Not impressed. I wouldn't want to be in the same room with this guy.
April 25th, 2014
I think the guy sounds awesome. I had a somewhat off beat photography for designers professor and some of the stuff he said still rings in my ears when I'm shooting.

"Ask yourself: ‘WHY MUST I BE SO IN TACT?’
You have to be a new person to make art. You can’t be whole, happy and comfortable to make art- you can’t. GO OUT. GET HURT. CREATE."

I find this to be true. My best work is done when I am in the depth's of hell psychologically. My creativity tanks when I'm happy.
April 25th, 2014
Although, it seems that it should all be taken with a grain of salt, and most of it is crude, shocking and far from P.C., there seems to be truth at the heart of it. Thanks for sharing!
April 25th, 2014
The quote on photographing the homeless really made me stop and think. He is challenging and I think in a very inspiring way.
April 25th, 2014
This guy is a Grade A prick.
April 25th, 2014
for good or ill that site is blocked at work
April 25th, 2014
Good lord. We actually wasted some perfectly good DNA to produce this walking cesspool?
April 25th, 2014
I agree with Ross and Frank..keep me away from this specimen.
April 25th, 2014
Some of his comments were definitely crude, rude and waaaay out of line. Yet, he did make some thought provoking points, as well.
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