Birth Photography

October 14th, 2014
Hi lovely people of 365. I know that there are a few of you who have been following my birth photography journey. I apologise for not being around much lately ... life has been kind of like that ... but here is a link to my most recent album which I have just managed to get on Facebook. I realise this is kind of a shameless plug ... sorry about that! I figured only those who are interested will click on the discussion topic anyway. Thanks guys, you are all fantastic xx
October 14th, 2014
Nice work
October 14th, 2014
Beautiful Alison, I have just liked your page on FB and look forward to seeing lots more. You have a great talent for birth photography.
October 14th, 2014
brilliant pics. used to be a doula and i think youve caught it all so perfectly
October 14th, 2014
So wonderful! Brought the tear to my eyes. Please, keep doing what you do. If you can move and profoundly inspire ONE person, it is more than many people will manage at all throughout all their life.
October 14th, 2014
Gorgeous photos in both color and black and white! My daughter had a doula who photographed the labor and the new little one. Even though she wanted a water birth circumstances required a C-section so, no photos were taken in the operating room (The new Daddy was too overwhelmed). Really lovely intimate photography. I liked your page and look forward to viewing more wonderful births.
October 14th, 2014
Really great stuff Alison! So envious! Would rather like to swap the sonicaid for the camera! How do you advertise yourself? And is there much demand for this, or are they few and far between?
October 14th, 2014
Very sweet! Well done!
October 15th, 2014
Beautiful photography !
October 15th, 2014
You have been missed, Alison. Your works looks fantastic! I really like the mix of color and B&W. Thanks for sharing the update. Hope you will again.
October 16th, 2014
@voiceprintz Thanks JT! I just have been a bit under the weather for a few weeks and have had to scale everything back to bare minimum! Am on holiday now for a couple of weeks and plan to take LOADS of pics so hopefully will have something spectacular to share when I get back!
October 16th, 2014
@jaynspain @g4gg @bristolrose Thank you all so much for taking the time, very kind of you. Jayn - I think doulas do wonderful work and are so under-employed (if that makes sense?!) - I can think of so many friends that would have benefited from having one! I saw a fabulous article recently about a program in Minnesota (I think??) where doulas work with incarcerated women (heartbreaking situations), and the difference it makes (according to the article) is truly astounding.
October 16th, 2014
@alicenellis Thankyou Alice, you know I love your work so always feel so chuffed to get a compliment from you!
October 16th, 2014
@agima Thanks for taking the time Brendan!
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