Website or blog

April 19th, 2016
I am having a serious look at all my photo stuff at the moment. Photography and art is a passion, hobby and sometimes I get to make a few pennies too.
I have fingers in a few pies ..... facebook, twitter, redbubble, flickr etc and also have a webpage (self built using weebly). But ...... I am not sure that the webpage is doing it for me at the moment.

I am not wanting a proper portfolio as I don't want to feel as if I have to keep it looking all pristine and upto date. So, am debating whether to go down the blog route. This will also allow me to upload a group of photo's linked to narratives.

I can't do both as I just don't have the time ...... so which do you think is the better option? if your choice would be a blog ...... which site would you recommend?

I should mention that I do get the chance to do photoshoots every now and then. I can use facebook albums on my personal page which I can set so that only me and the client can see the album so I don't need that sort of privacy as an option.

April 20th, 2016
I don't know that keeping a blog is going to relieve you of having to keep it up to date. I have a webpage (which includes a blog) and I try to post periodically, but most of my "social" traffic comes through Facebook. If you have something to say, or are trying to promote your photography then a blog is an excellent way to do that, but would still rely on your other "pies" to get the word out.
April 20th, 2016
Yep, no what you are saying, I have just gone back to Flickr Pro for showing of my photographs to mainly friends and family, but its public so anyone can view them. Alongside this I have also started a Blog with Added Pages, using Wordpress.
Un-fortunately, Facebook is the dominating Social Media site so I mainly use it for what it is, connecting with families and friends but I am reducing my usage and photo uploads to Facebook as times passes. Kindest Regards Stephen
April 20th, 2016
I've had a blog (free) with for almost six years now, once or twice I dabbled with creating a website but have found the blog is just easier to manage. I've used the blog for sharing both photoshoots and projects that are underway but I'm only sharing with a few people for peer review/critique all of which was easy to do either by password protected pages or private posts.

A lot depends on what you want out of the online presence, if you're looking at selling images then a website is likely to look more professional but if it's mostly to share images & narratives then I reckon the blog is the most manageable.

My blog is if you want a look at a simple blog. I did for a few years have my own domain but let it lapse a couple of years ago as I didn't see the value in having it.
April 20th, 2016
If you go the blog route, be sure you own the blog site. If you use Wordpress, as mentioned above, you won't have those issues. If you go to an actual blog site and then choose to go elsewhere, you lose everything you've blogged.
April 20th, 2016
I'm not sure I understand the difference between a blog and a website, but I do know that when Snapchap (Paul Everest) closed his 365 I was very happy to find he had kept all his 365 photos and comments in a section on his weebly web page,

I also know nothing about upkeep of either one. It doesn't appear he has updated his webpage for quite awhile, but it is still nice to go and have a look through every now and then.
April 20th, 2016
@jaypoc @stephenfox @davejf @danette @aecasey

Thanks for taking the time to reply.
My selling is just a lucky offshoot from my hobby which is why I think I am not feeling the love with my website.
I like the blog style of some sites and think that may sit better with me. Wordpress has been mentioned and also blogger.
I shall take a look at your link David ... thanks :)
Ahhhhh Paul Everest! I keep in touch with him via email April :)

Facebook is turning into a pain but I shall keep my page more because I can link to it from twitter.

Thanks so much ...... this has been helpful! :)
April 21st, 2016
I use both Wordpress and Blogger. Both are good if you don't want to go too crazy customizing (You can still customize them). My website, is on Wordpress now and I like it a lot. It let me build the site pretty quickly and focus on my content more than the development. I also use for some personal projects.
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