Easy-to-fill Months (Well done you're half way!)

July 1st, 2018
Well done to everyone here, and in particular those who started on January 1st... you're half way there!

There may come a point when you start to wrack your brain for things to shoot and the phojo starts to run dry, and it was thinking about this that prompted me to start this thread. If you're struggling, why not consider an easy-to-fill month?

*There's the 'word of the day' challenge which is fun to join in with. It has often got me thinking outside the box - and interesting to see how different folk interpret the words! You can do every day or some days or swap them around. Easy.
*Have you considered a rainbow month? Works particularly well if the month starts on a Monday but it doesn't have to - on Monday you do red, Tuesday orange, etc. (ROYGBIV or use Pink if it's easier than violet)
*Alphabet months are great... either take a shot of the letter or of something that looks like the letter. Or number months.
*I've just made up my own month by choosing Flowers on Friday, Skies on Saturday, Special effects on Sunday, Macro Monday etc. The month sailed by quite quickly!
*In the past I have done months with different shapes or challenges for the day of the week. We could repeat / renew the idea if anyone was interested. (August?)

While you're doing it you'll most likely spot things you'd like to shoot which don't fit in - you could make a note and revisit it the month after or take a shot and save it for later! Both work depending on your own rules.

Have You done a theme month? Post your calendar shot here and show us what you did!
July 1st, 2018
in the past I have enjoyed @vignouse Richard's 50mm month, using the same lens for the whole month.
July 2nd, 2018
@kali66 Hi Kali - it's coming up soon NF-SOOC September ,2018.. Watch this space.
July 2nd, 2018
@vignouse @kali66
I really enjoyed it last year and I am looking forward to that this year - I actually have a 50mm equivalent lens that was given to me for Christmas this year so can follow along properly this year.
July 2nd, 2018
What a lot of great ideas! Thank you for posting this, Phil. Especially since you started off with the Word of the Day challenge - my favourite!
July 2nd, 2018
@filsie65 brilliant idea Phil to get newbies to celebrate!! Ross also has suggestions in 'his' area.
There's the get-pushed to improve techniques each week, ask @northy to add you on current thread

@vignouse I've got a real 50mm this year so can play properly this year!! @farmreporter be interesting to combine with word a day!!
July 2nd, 2018

Here's my rainbow month to show what I mean....
I found it best to make each day a 'square' shot as it went very nicely together with no crucial bits missing on the calendar, if you see what I mean :)
July 2nd, 2018
I can't remember how to do a screen shot of the calendar shot... here's a keyboard I made with the 2nd 'alphabet' month (I made it more complicated by combining it with the 'word of the month' - flash of red and getting to know my new camera which up 'til then had been a bit too scary to use...!)

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