July 24th, 2018

I have only recently started to use HDR.

This picture was taken with three exposures one correctly exposed plus one two stops over exposed and one two stops under exposed. I have used Lightroom for the process.

In some way the picture seems to lack something.

What do other members think? Please feel free to be brutally honest.


July 24th, 2018
To me it looks quite flat, probably because you've lost the deep shadows usually seen in a church. Maybe you needed to overexpose for the shadows by only 1 stop?
You could add a bit more contrast to it and see if that helps.
Other than that, it's a good image and better than many HDR attempts :)
July 24th, 2018
If your goal in using HDR was to maximize details and even out lighting you have been very successful. I think the shot comes close enough to symmetrical that I would have cropped it to make it symmetrical, or to make it more off-center. And I need for my eye to ‘land’ on something — the main candidate is the tall window in the almost-center, so that would help potentially too. I agree, a little more contrast might be called for and maybe a little perspective correction (try ‘auto’ in LR transformation sliders). HDR is very useful in the right circumstances so great to be learning how to use it!
July 24th, 2018
I'm not an expert at all and I think it turned out great. The only thing is the brown box in the left corner is a bit distracting so I think I would have cut that out or position the camera to avoid it in the shot.
The advise above it good and maybe a little increase in contrast and/or color to make it pop a little more might be helpful. Just keep trying different things to get it the way you want. I enjoy playing with HDR.
July 24th, 2018
@lumpiniman as @blueace has said it's probably the dynamic range is a little too high leading to a lack of shadows and depth. I shoot a lot of HDR but generally use 3 images 1 stop over exposed and 1 stop under exposed I find this works well on landscapes to avoid blowing out the sky.
July 25th, 2018

Many thanks for the above comments. I have done a little more editing on the lines suggested above and there is definitely an improvement. (I have cheated a little and posted this on 3rd July 2018).

Once again many thanks for the above.
July 25th, 2018

This is today's effort.
July 26th, 2018
@lumpiniman I love the one you did on the 25th of July :)
July 28th, 2018
I love both of your updated ones. I think I like the one on the 25th the most, too, because of its rich colors.
July 28th, 2018
@kgolab @mittens

Many thanks. It has been a learning experience, with some way to go yet.
October 10th, 2018

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