What is your favorite piece of equipment?

January 26th, 2011
What is your favorite piece of photographic equipment? Why? Why would anyone or everyone else want it? If possible, show a photo that demonstrates what this piece of equipment can do.
January 26th, 2011
My favorite piece of equipment is my Circular Polarizer filter. I absolutely love the deep blue skies and contrasting white clouds I can get with this filter. Sure, you can do almost the same thing in editing, but that can become tricky, time-consuming, and affects the reds in your photos. Probably the best piece of equipment under $25 I ever bought.

January 26th, 2011
I got no particular photo to show but I find my remote shutter release and tripod very convenient for family portraits and was overly used during these past holidays :D

to add, the remote costs under $20
January 26th, 2011
Until I got my 50mm f/1.4 (enough said, really) it was my star filter:

And the lens:

January 26th, 2011
Very hard to chose one, but my most used for years is my 80-200mm lens.. cost a small fortune but the best thing.
January 26th, 2011
A tripod, without a doubt. I love doing landscapes, especially when the light is low and it's impossible to use low ISO, narrow aperture, and slow shutter speed without one.

January 26th, 2011
I got a 70-300mm 1:4-5.6 Macro/Telephoto zoom lens for Christmas. I love the heft of it (18.7oz), and I discover new things about it every time I use it.

**my pics look jagged below for some reason....??

January 26th, 2011
My two $15 halogen mini-flashlights....

January 26th, 2011
I don't really have a lot so I'd probably have to go for my f1.8 50mm lens, my family all chipped together to get it for me last year for my birthday and I just love the portraits I get with it.

January 26th, 2011
50mm 1.4 lens - love it!
January 26th, 2011
my eyeballs. ;-)
January 26th, 2011
@pixelchix I was about to type "my eyes" but you beat me to it!
January 26th, 2011
I would have to say the camera itself. It is only an entry level DSLR but I've been through a lot with that camera so I'm rather sentimental to it
January 26th, 2011
i would love to say some fancy peice of technical equipment but i dont have any lol just the camera its self and the lens it came with :( boooo !!!

so instead i will say my sons , because they come up with so many fabulous ideas for me to shoot :)

January 26th, 2011
My joby tripod! Really flexible, magnetic and easy to take with you! Great if you want to do a macro, a landscape or a shot in the dark.
January 26th, 2011
I've got a Joby Gorillapod too! Not magnetic and I haven't had much chance to use it yet as the camera it brand new, but it blows my mind.
January 26th, 2011
My 50mm f1.4. Sharp, excellent for low light and portraits.

January 26th, 2011
It seems as though a lot of us agree, the 50mm is a great piece of equipment to have!
January 26th, 2011
Kinda sad, but right now my remote. In.Love!
January 26th, 2011
Hmmmm, I would say, my 18-105mm lens. I love the flexibility of it!
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