Photoshop 21 - Blessing or Curse?

December 9th, 2020
I have been very impressed with some of the features on the recent major update of Photoshop 21. Sky- replacement seems to be the one which has attracted most attention on YouTube and other media outlets. It is pretty simple to use at its basic level, however it offers an opportunity to upload ones own skies to be used in the Sky-replacement. Neural Filters have also been introduced, however not all are available and most are only available as a beta. Once the beta functions come on line, there will be many opportunities to edit photographs and convert them into cartoons, sketches, etc, etc.

From my point of view the developments are very positive; however the other side of the debate causes me to wonder if in the not too distant future I wonder if 90 percent of photographs one sees on the internet will have a standard sky, the subject of all portraits will have a super smooth skin and many prominent figures will have their caricatures widely displayed. As above great by me and I am someone who failed art 'o' level many years ago!

What do members think? How do you think Photoshop will develop?

Plug now for WWYD199. The below created with Sky Replacement and very little skill on my part.

December 9th, 2020
I think these fads come and go, anything new and easy to do will get people excited but I don’t think they last long. People tire of them quickly. I do like the idea of creating fantasy pictures but they are just that, fantasy. For the time being anyways
December 10th, 2020
I feel ambivalent about photoshopping in general. I guess my philosophy is "less is more." I try to do a lot in-camera, then put my own twist on it in post. Sometimes that involves a lot of tweaking; sometimes hardly any. So many photos these days are over-the-top and meant to WOW the viewers. I'm not of that school. When things start to get popular, they very quickly become too much of a "good" thing. For example, my daughter's wedding photog was all about leaving massive amounts of empty space at the top of a lot of photos. I HATED it! But, that's what was popular a few years ago. Ugh. That kind of thinking is so stultifying to me. Personally, I'd rather see the photographer's personality or message than flashy and "popular" editing techniques. Not to say I hate editing or edited photos. It definitely has its place. But, maybe a light touch is better in most cases. Just my opinion, people! Don't crucify me! ;)
December 10th, 2020 I see how you replaced the sky. Thanks for promoting the theme.
December 10th, 2020
while photoshop made these things easier, they are not new and some of the current popular photographers use things like sky replacement frequently in their photos. sometimes I do nothing to photos except basic raw edits in lightroom and other times I go whole hog and use every tool I know how to use, just depends on the day. I recently watched a video on this very subject and the commentator stated that he was late to the game and things like sky replacement and color toning was being used by everyone but him. those things sell, so if you are trying to sell your work then maybe you have to keep up. we have gotten used to saturated color, super wide angles, dangerous photos and hdr. scroll instagram and you will see what I'm talking about. such smooth skin and perfectly round heads on babies...such toned arms and thin waists and un-wrinkled many changes to photos. lots of filters and presets to play with. distortion, cropping, removing things...age old and highly used. example, the Abraham Lincoln head swap. all I can say is you do you. love that starry night full moon edit ; )
December 10th, 2020
I have spent many hours trying to learn PS but with no success. I envy those who can transform a plain shot into a work of art with just a few clicks of the mouse.
Alas - that is not me! I just use some sliders in Lightroom and call it quits.
But -as a bonus to my method - I am learning a whole lot about my camera and how to manipulate my ideas in camera rather than in post.
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