Questions re Frances Seward

December 15th, 2020
I'm a bit late to the table for this one, but for all of you who participated in the artist challenge for Frances Seward, I'm wondering how you did it and what worked best for you. Thanks.
December 15th, 2020
mine was a combination of two shots which i layered in photoshop. the base photo was one of my skyline photos with a really blue sky, the second photo was one of my colour experiments for an earlier painting project. then i took it to ribbet and played with the exposure, and other functions in effects like blur, inverted colours. i did so many things with it but those are the only things i remember now. i imagine others took a blurry shot of their subjects.
December 15th, 2020
@granagringa hi, i had some drinking glasses with thick bottoms that i put against the lens (too close to focus so that helps with blur) I moved around until i got colours and layers that looked good. a bottle with water in it would also be good to try, if it wasnt quite full it would create a horizon line, any light source behind the glass would be a ball of light and you also get refracted bokeh and rainbows depending on the quality of your glass.
December 15th, 2020
hi there! i put a vase and then a bottle on my kitchen table with natural light coming in from behind, and the overhead lights on. then i played around with my 60mm macro lens, moving the focus ring, blurring and unblurring, until i got something that looked and felt a bit like an abstract landscape. it was fun to do, and i must remember to try it again ;)
December 15th, 2020
I used a cut glass bowl to capture my pictures and shot towards a lamp. I put the bowl over the lens and didn't try to focus on anything so all the edges remained blurred.
December 15th, 2020
And mine was taken on my dinner table, a reflection from the overhead lamp made a "sun". And I took a anti-shine "acrylic-glas" from a picture frame. To move in different angles to distort the colours and light.
December 15th, 2020
@summerfield @kali66 @pistache @olivetreeann @mona65 Thank you all for letting me know how you experimented with Frances Seward. I'll give it a go.. You are the best! And you are why I love this community!
December 15th, 2020
I shot mine purposely out of focus while on a moving airboat in the Everglades. Then I tweaked it some in Photos. (I don't have Photoshop or any other substantial program to do anything really complicated.)
December 15th, 2020
@chejja Now that's an interesting way to do it! Not one I can replicate...thanks for the info.
December 16th, 2020
@granagringa tag me when you do !
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