Photo ideas

February 28th, 2011
So I know we are all creative geniuses and don't need any assistance in the beautiful pictures we post, but I need help :-) There are some FABULOUS pictures on this site and I was just wondering if anyone uses assistance to come up with the ideas they used to take their pictures? I have 2 little kids, so it's a rare day when I have a moment to get my creative juices going. I usually end up taking a picture of something random, but would love it if I had a place to start when my kids aren't doing anything particularly interesting. Thanks everyone!
February 28th, 2011
A lot of people use which gives you a photo assignment everyday. I use it sometimes, although it's not as helpful as I would like. Perhaps I am just lazy...
February 28th, 2011
My kids usually are my inspiration. Even when it's not photos of them I always look at things with a child-like eye. Today's pic literally is their toys brought into a new light! LOL!
February 28th, 2011
I look around me, or on here or wherever. Last week I tried to do all water & I think this week I am going to do all things I drive by.
February 28th, 2011
I can usually find some kind of something to shoot, just by taking a walk in the neighborhood. This one is a perfect example.

Here's another one, one that I was questioned by a neighbor as to why I was taking pictures of those flowers.
February 28th, 2011
You're not the only one. With the winter months (almost behind us now... thank goodness!) providing very little opportunity to get out and about, I have also found it a struggle coming up with ideas. I try and get inspiration from other people's photos and think to myself, "Can I create something like that now?" Apart from this site (obviously), there's a great site called Flickr Hive Mind which collects and displays totally awesome photos from Flickr.

I also like using effects filters which can transform, what can be, a very ordinary looking photograph originally into a piece of art. The example below would not have had anywhere near the impact without a fair bit of work with effects filters.

February 28th, 2011
I like pictures that tell a story or set the mind thinking, which means they have to come from real life, whether the natural or man-made world, and only very rarely set up, but even then because there is a message to convey.
I go out every day, usually to stroll the countryside or coastline, which I am fortunate to have in plenty around here and have the time because I am retired, but even a city street provides more than one picture opportunity every day, like a boarded-up shop or some litter in the road or a bit of graffiti. The opportunities are endless.
Sometimes if the weather is really bad I don't stray very far from home, but always find something that simply begs to be photographed, like a puddle or a fallen branch that makes a nice pattern, and my litle point-and-shoot jumps out of my pocket to capture it. I prefer not to have a set subject in mind because that might narrow my field of vision and cause me to miss something else, but I do have regular themes, such as colour, light and shade, street furniture, abandoned buildings, rusty cars, etc.
An important element in any photograph I take is that it must provide an opportunity for a caption - something to say about it as you would if talking to a friend and saying "You'll never guess what I saw today!" or "I took this because ..."
I enjoy my camera; it is my third eye and I learn lot from recording the ordinary and the extraordinary but rarely photograph people.

Life can never be boring if you have a camera in your pocket!
March 1st, 2011
@wordpixman @dgc4rter @webfoot @mikichelle @positronicmommy @busymum @mej2011 Thanks everyone!!! This is a lot of help!!! :-)
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