Security Errors

November 6th, 2021
Hi all, hoping someone can help:
I use Apple Mac running Yosemite. Everything is up to date yet 365 insists on telling me that my connection is not private.
This is the only web site that it’s happening on, on both Chrome and Safari browsers.
Every time I try to visit and post I get :


I’ve done everything I can - everything is up to date, the clock and date is correct, cookies deleted etc etc.

Makes it extremely difficult to post images, which is why I haven’t.
November 7th, 2021
There are two addresses

The former comes up as not secure on my iMac. Is that the cause ???
November 7th, 2021
@markp Neither one works - thanks though! It’s just incredibly frustrating!
November 7th, 2021
Did you try restarting your computer?
November 7th, 2021
@juliedduncan Next you’ll be telling me to shoot with Nikon…but yes, I did try that! Alas!
November 7th, 2021
call in the big gun @scrivna , have to get that sorted Graeme, cant have you MIA!

November 7th, 2021
@graemestevens I had this problem too - same deal on my iMac. Turns out the servers aren't supporting El Capitan anymore but Ross has a work around for it.
November 7th, 2021
@marlboromaam I knew someone would know!
@kali66 Let’s see how you fee about that when I start posting again 😂
November 7th, 2021
@graemestevens Glad I could help. Email Ross and I'm sure he will kindly tell you what to do. =)
November 7th, 2021
@graemestevens Looking forward to you posting again.
November 7th, 2021
@byrdlip I’d wait until I start posting again before I say something like that! 🤪
November 7th, 2021
I used to have this issue when I used the wifi at McDonald's (when my own internet was not working). The resolution involved some sort of issue with logging on to the wifi, but I don't actually remember. My own internet is not reliable, but I rarely have to resort to going to McDonald's anymore.
November 7th, 2021
Looks like the certificate paths for 'letsencrypt' certs have recently swapped to a new root certificate, and the old root certificate (DST Root CA X3) expired September 30th, 2021.

Most machines will already have the new root certificate (ISRG Root X1) installed, but you can install it manually and fix the errors. See this website for instructions:

Good luck.
November 7th, 2021
@francoise I haven’t been inside a McD’s in over 15 years!
@sudweeks Thanks - I’ll give that a try and see what blows up!
November 7th, 2021
@sudweeks That seems to have worked...thank you so much!
November 7th, 2021
@marlboromaam Ross will be only person here brave enough to tell Graeme 'what to do'!!
November 7th, 2021
@graemestevens glad you're going to back !
November 7th, 2021
@graemestevens Ha ha! I know it sounds too easy, but I've solved a lot of my own computer problems that way. Sorry it didn't work for you. I hope you get it resolved soon because I miss your posts! :)
November 7th, 2021
@graemestevens glad to hear you're fixed up. My unhelpful point about McDonald's was merely that the solution lay in my own computer's internet connection settings
November 7th, 2021
@30pics4jackiesdiamond @marlboromaam But there's been plenty of you tell me where to go! ;)
November 7th, 2021
@graemestevens Ha ha! Only suggestions.
November 7th, 2021
Hi @graemestevens -Yosemite and older are no longer supported by the provider of our SSL certificates. There's a bunch of articles that explain the situation...

I had one other member reach out to me with the same issue and the following worked for them...
November 8th, 2021
@Scrivna Perfect thanks - all fixed now!
November 8th, 2021
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