What's On Your Christmas Wish List?

December 9th, 2021
With Christmas a mere 16 days away, I was wondering what might be on your Christmas wish list that is related to photography, that you are hoping to find under your Christmas tree on Christmas morning?
December 9th, 2021
My number one wish is time to devote to photography.
There just never seems to be enough time to do everything I want to do because things I have to do gets in the way!
Merry Christmas one and all, and a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous 2022 to the 365 community!
December 10th, 2021
@farmreporter - I hope your wishes come true!
December 10th, 2021
I’d love a new backpack but it won’t be under the tree. Open to suggestions!
December 10th, 2021
A Nikon Z5, modified for full spectrum. And it's looking fairly likely. :)
December 10th, 2021
I've just checked this off my list:
It's a Panasonic Lumix 25 mm lens that I have been observing for more than a year now, to get a decent price. I got it 15% off.
December 10th, 2021
@danette - I'm not sure why you feel that it won't be under the tree. I hope you have been a good girl and Santa will place it where he normally leaves gifts.
December 10th, 2021
@sudweeks - You sound a little excited Josh πŸŽ… Ho Ho Ho!
Happy picture taking in 2022!
December 10th, 2021
@monikozi - Good for you Moni! The gift you wanted and were patient for a year before getting it and with a discount to boot.
I hope your new lens provides many more photo opportunities in 2022!
December 11th, 2021
i'm with @farmreporter - i have tons of photography gear - what i need is time to play! Still watching this thread for ideas of something new as my husband keeps asking me for a wish list!

happy holidays everyone!
December 12th, 2021
Well I already got my Christmas gift from my husband. Once he buys a gift he can’t wait to gift it.
I got a fast external drive for my computer to help me process and store my photos.
December 12th, 2021
@northy - I hope you have a Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year! And maybe a surprise gift that you never expected but brings great joy to your heart.
December 12th, 2021
@gardencat - Your husband must still have that little boy's heart that just can't wait to see the joy on your face when he gives you a present.
I have an external hard drive on my list too.
I hope yours works well for you!
December 16th, 2021
Personally, I wasn't desiring anything related to photography for Christmas. But then I came across an article about Canon possibly doing away with the dSLRs with mirrors after the 90D.
That caused me to start looking for an upgrade for my 7 year old camera. Ever since I started comparing 80Ds with 90Ds I have come to appreciate my 70D even more. The problem is that I shipped my 70D off to have it appraised and now I am cameraless and going through withdrawal.
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