Camera info on iPhone Pics

December 23rd, 2021
How do I get the camera model to upload when I use my iPhone? When I uploaded pics previously, it would show the camera as an iPhone 12. Now, it doesn’t show any camera info. What do I need to change to get the camera info?
December 23rd, 2021
I have noticed that a number of photo processing apps sometimes remove some of the meta data including the camera. If you are uploading directly from apple to here and you haven’t edited it should still be there.
December 23rd, 2021
I use an iPhone and my info is always there.
December 23rd, 2021
I use an iPhone, and my info seems to be there as well.
December 23rd, 2021
Like shutterbug49 said, it's most likely an editing app. There's often settings to clear exif data for increased privacy. I know in lightroom, there's options to clear exif, keep all exif data, or clear just location / gps information.

You can download an exif data viewing app, then check the exif your photos right after you take the photo, then again after you process the photo. That'll tell you when you're losing the data.
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