Digital Photography vs Fine Art

March 4th, 2011
I have been taking photographs for most of my life, always striving to present images of the world 'as it is', and have also dabbled in watercolour painting, but since discovering 365 a little over a month ago my image making has taken a new turn and I am now experimenting with the wonders of Picnik.

The two images below are my first forays into this new art form. The first, "Night Garden" is of a bench in a small redundant cemetery which I have tried to reproduce in the style of a Victorian or earlier print.

And the second is an attempt at an entirely different style, an abstract collage made from a single photograph of a piece of rusty iron rotated four ways before altering the colours and tonal values.

I wuld love to see what other 365-ers have been doing with Picnik.
March 4th, 2011
I breifly used picnic as filler untill i got elements... But I was loosing photo quality, and i didnt have the colour control that i wanted.... BUT, Some people however, are managing to creat master pieces with it! And you I dare say, are managing to work VERY well with it, I LOVE the first pic... ( reminds me of monet for some reason )
March 4th, 2011
Thank you, that was around the period I had in mind; no water lilies though.
March 4th, 2011
those are works of art Arthur! So beautiful. I use picnik so much, some for small stuff, some for big overhauls. Curve changes are my favorite, like this one:

That one is a curve preset called Polaroid. My current favorite ;)
This one is just a simple one too, just the Infrared preset:

Then for the more complicated, I tend to go with their bokeh for the season, this one is the hearts. As well as their collage building section, so fun.

Another with the bokeh, this time stars and some tone changes:

March 4th, 2011
This is something I've only just started to get into - like, literally within the last month, or so... But here are two which I was relatively pleased with!

March 4th, 2011
Your edits look great!
I used and Picnik for this one.
March 4th, 2011

Thank you Amy, your pictures are just lovely, and a great variety of different effects. I use curves a lot but haven't tried presets yet because I enjoy adjusting the channels separately ... but it's early days, I have only just started on what I know will be a long and interesting adventure, and I am sure there are many more surprises to come.!
March 4th, 2011

Thank you Kit. I see you are new to this too, and have shown us two more effects, nicely done!
March 4th, 2011

Thank you Renee for showing us yet another style, and very effective too. I have not see but I'll check it out.

Keep 'em coming folks; we can learn so much from each other.
March 4th, 2011
Thanks Arthur! :)

They were both pretty unremarkable photos, I thought - just as traditional photographs, y'know... But I feel think work a bit better after the Photoshop effects...
March 4th, 2011
here are a few I have done...I use exclusivly picknic atm

March 4th, 2011
Thank you for posting those, Trevor; the more I see of Picnik and tall its possibilities the more I like it!
March 4th, 2011
@wordpixman any time Arthur :)
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