Is doing 365 like being back in highschool?

March 4th, 2011
Is it just me or is 365 a little like highschool and not in a bad way? You've got homework and contests. Youv've got your best friends, new kids on the block, the popular kids, the jocks (sports and action photography) the bad kids ( dark, gothic, edgy photographers ) you even have the occasional controversy like stolen images, claims of plaigirism. etc...

For me 365 has brought out a certain kind of intensity that I have not felt in a while. I am paying attention to all sorts of aspects of my life, fussing over my art, and sometimes waiting on the computer to hear comments from a certain friend. How is 365 like highschool for you?

Have a great weekend! Party is at my house saturday night.
March 4th, 2011
I had more of a life back then :|
March 4th, 2011
Sometimes the drama does seem like it. But then, life can seem that way too, if you look at it that way.
March 4th, 2011
It's a microcosm of life, just like everything else in life :)
March 4th, 2011
You're absolutely right! It's like highschool for me cos I'm failing to reach my potential, I'm constantly late, and I've still got a constant runny nose : /
March 4th, 2011
@craigdtull Too funny.
March 4th, 2011
@craigdtull You can borrow my hanky :3

jk nobody really has hankies anymore amirite
March 4th, 2011
@indiannie_jones Yorrite. Except old men named Charles. I'm sure you'd give me a kleenex tho?
March 4th, 2011
Where is the hand drawn invite? Oh wait, only the cool kids get the invite to the party, Dang.

Yea, I started here thinking this was a website where photogs supported/helped each other and displayed their work. It is, but if you are on here for any amount of time, you start to see the undercurrents. I think that it is a society and human nature thing in general. Any time a group of people are around each other for any amount of time, groups form, arguments ensue, etc.

I have seen few discussions and comments pop up lately regarding lack of comments, followers, feelings of being snubbed, etc. I have participated in some of those only to the point of offering my 2 cents. I don't think that your number of followers or pics on the PP are important on here. It does tend to contribute to your sense of self worth as a photog when you get a new follower, comment on a photo, or photo on the PP though. I think it is the time of year, the doldrums, where there aren't any big holidays to look forward to (if you don't count St. Patricks Day), the weather for the most part is dreary and people are getting cabin fever. I even caught myself thinking why aren't any of my pics showing up on the PP? Well the simple answer is 1. They must not be that caliber(yet) and 2. I have to work harder to get there, if that is my goal. (Only in part, I want to get better... everything else is gravy)

It seems some people take this as a popularity contest, fine for them, but don't get your feelings hurt when you aren't "popular" and don't gloat if you have more follwers than others(I haven't publicly seen this yet), go to FB for that kind of stuff.

That being said, for the most part there is a professional, nuturing atmosphere here and I enjoy being a part of it, way more enjoyable and less stressful than H.S. was for me. It is also very beneficial in helping me develop my skills with a camera.

Nuff said, sorry for the long long over serious response.
March 4th, 2011
I'm still in high school and they're nothing like =p I have friends on 365, I don't have to take a long bus ride anywhere, I don't get graded on anything and I don't have bitchyness and drama on here, also 365 doesn't prevent me from sleeping =p
March 4th, 2011
@shadesofgrey Well said.
March 4th, 2011
We would've been BFFs in highschool :3 @craigdtull

@naomi Two things.

1. "I don't have to take a long bus ride anywhere" - I loled
2. "365 doesn't prevent me from sleeping " - that makes one of us. x_x

@shadesofgrey *passes note*

Furthermore, idk about you guys, but I've learnt A LOT more here than all my years in highschool. Of course I don't take math here. *shakes fist at math*
March 4th, 2011
@naomi Thought we might hear from some real highscoolers. Point taken. This thread was started with the full realization it has been a long time since I was actually in highschool.
March 4th, 2011
Nah not for me I actually attend and try hard here! (hopes her son who is a 365 member does not read this)
March 4th, 2011
@sdpace hooray for fractals!
March 4th, 2011
I am finding it to be a bit like school, and not in a bad way. Each day when we take our morning walk, I grab my camera and try to find something to photograph. I have an assignment due each day, and various things throughout the week.
March 4th, 2011
@indiannie_jones dude I rock a handkerchief erryday and you better know I feel damn weird all day should I ever forget it. hXc
March 4th, 2011
@eyebrows fractal microcosm wormholes. and you said erryday. that made me laugh.
March 4th, 2011
@eyebrows Really? Where do you even buy those things?
March 4th, 2011
@indiannie_jones handkerchief shops ofc silly ^_^
March 4th, 2011
@sdpace I am very hip hop. :p
March 4th, 2011
Trying so hard to be one of the cool kids... ;)
Failing just as I did in high school, guess I'm still the geek.
March 4th, 2011
Nothing like my high school! I am much more comfortable here and not afraid to speak up. I feel more at home here than I ever have on facebook. :0)
March 4th, 2011
@indiannie_jones checks yes and hands it back!
March 4th, 2011
@indiannie_jones we so would :D *fires spitball at Annie*
March 4th, 2011
In some way, the project is like high school. However, it is very different. In high school, I did not have the choice whether or not to do the assignments (unless I wanted to flunk out). I can choose what I do with this project and how often I post photos. I hated high school and couldn't wait to get out of that school. I love taking photos and I am liking my project right now. So that part is like a day and night difference. IN high school, I always wanted to be outside. Now, I get to go outside and take photos, which is one of my most favorite things to do. Therefore, I will live with the drama that exists in this project. This drama seems to reflect the drama that is in real life everywhere.
March 4th, 2011
@eyebrows @indiannie_jones @craigdtull I am inferring from this conversation that Teddy Bear is an old guy named, you learn something new everyday!
March 4th, 2011
@elephantgirl Geeks rule the world, and make popular kids think they do.
March 4th, 2011
We like to call @eyebrows Chuck for short. It takes him back to his youth.

@craigdtull *pulls chair away as you're about to sit* :D

Does that make you my Valentine? :3 @shadesofgrey
March 4th, 2011
@shadesofgrey Charles Huntington-Smith at your service *bow*
March 4th, 2011
@indiannie_jones I would say so...can't wait to hold pinkies in the hall! LOL
March 4th, 2011
@eyebrows LOL, why Thank you good sir.
March 4th, 2011
@shadesofgrey Me neither *blush*
March 4th, 2011
@indiannie_jones I don't know if the same threads catch our eyes because we share interests or what but it always seems like they deteriorate into a bantering conversation between you, @craigdtull, @eyebrows and lately, me. I get a chuckle out of it everytime I see it. Thanks to all for consistently making my day. My co-workers wonder WTH I am always laughing to myself about.
March 4th, 2011
hmmmm food for thought !

ok iagree with @araminta in that i also turn up and try here which i rarely did at high school !

but i do agree u can see who are the "cool kids" and you kinda get a feel for which group people would be in if it was high school via their photos ( Goth , Jock etc) BUT evryones been so much friendlier than the school kids i went to school with :) geeeze they were MEAN !! hehe !! You dont have to worry about being laughed at in gym , an unexpected maths test or god forbid standing up and talking in class ..... mind now a days that wouldnt bother me lol !

@indiannie_jones ~ i hated math also :(

PS ......... how do you get a green pass to the cool crowd ? ? hehe !
March 4th, 2011
@shadesofgrey Awww, you're too sweet! Well, it's no secret that the best part of this project, for me, has been the people I've befriended :)
March 4th, 2011
@shadesofgrey *doffs cap* We're definitely part of the in crowd
March 4th, 2011
Last time I checked, PJ's weren't allowed at school, but you can get away with it here!
March 4th, 2011
Funny that you just started this thread because I've recently been caught up in the competitive aspect of this site and find myself wondering why I'm not more "popular." In other words, it's exactly like high school for me. :)

That said, getting a good photo is a lot harder for me than any high school class ever was. Well, except maybe computer science. I never really caught on to that either.
March 4th, 2011
Slater...a kegger? lol Great post!
Different from HS for me in the way that in HS I had a ton of followers as a "popular" one and a tad more suspensions for behavior issues :) Haha
Even though I'm pretty new here and have a ton of views every day on my pics...not many followers and even less comments. I am doing this for me and to learn from others and I'm ok with that. I try to comment on as many people's pics as I can but with a part time job as a 5th grade teacher in a pressure driven district, running a non profit, and two babies (22 mos. and 3 mos), I am not able to do as much. Maybe I've grown up a bit the past 18 years...naaawwww! :0 Happy Friday!
March 4th, 2011
@flamez You're already in the cool crowd!
@shadesofgrey Looks around. Nope, not ruling the world. Yet.
March 4th, 2011
What a nice comparison. You made me laugh.
March 4th, 2011
@elephantgirl Yet. Key word.

@indiannie_jones @eyebrows cheers to that!
March 4th, 2011
@smapp Love the comparison, it brings the good points out...

Though I can barely set foot in schools without trepidation - this can be a problem considering the fact that I speak at schools often enough...
March 4th, 2011
@indiannie_jones @shadesofgrey @elephantgirl @eyebrows you all crack me up... guess i'm still about the same then..lil nerd and nonconformist-like person... not the popular type, which suits me just fine.
March 4th, 2011
Yeah, this is kinda like a note being passed around, come to think of it :) I liked HS and I like it here too. That may be about the only connection (except for this thread). Also, human nature = drama!
March 4th, 2011
@shadesofgrey Exactly! *hatches an evil plan*
@myla This site is a real fun place to hang out. And it's good for my creativity even if I do tend to take it too seriously every once in a while.
No picture yet today! AAAGH! *runs around the room screaming*
Yup, high school all over again.
March 4th, 2011
so long as no one makes me wear a gym kit i will stick around here ;)
i was subjected to far too much useless information at high school like, netball and algebra, at least here i'm learning about something that interests me and i can use on a regular basis
March 4th, 2011
@flamez Looking at my photos, what group was I in?

@indiannie_jones I think we will both agree that all Math needs to do is grow up and solve his own problems.
March 4th, 2011
@marinda Haha! SERIOUSLY!
March 4th, 2011
@marinda ~ haha looking at your shots you seem a bit how id explain myself ..... conforms to only your own rules and a little unpredictable .... eg , u can fit in where ever u want to , as long as it suits your mood :P haha ..... but i havent read anything just looked at a few pics so im probablyway off lol !
March 4th, 2011
Thanx for making me laugh, all participants on this thread! I agree with Slater's assessment. Now back to the posts, or I'll be behind on my assignment!!!
March 4th, 2011
I am just glad this isn't facebook :)
March 4th, 2011
Great topic!! I do feel like I'm in high school and didn't get my assignment turned in on time when I don't get a daily photo taken and posted. I'm just as hard on myself as I was back in my high school days. LOL!
March 4th, 2011
@flamez LOL I didn't really fit in anywhere, but I suppose your way of thinking sounds more optimistic :P
March 4th, 2011
@marinda ~ awww ! well id have been your friend ! lol ! a couple of misfits lol !

@loztsoul ~ agreed ! my facebook is always full of over dramatic moaners ! haha !
March 4th, 2011
I never thought of it that way but good point. i only occationally do some of the themes to the side. I see what you mean about popular shots & the categories. haha. I'm just here to see if I can finnish something I've started.
March 4th, 2011
@flamez lol
March 4th, 2011
I do feel a bit like a floundering fish at times here lol! To be honest i started this project for me (smae as most peope have said) yet i have found that its quite competitive, and i have got sucked in lol. But its like being in school in a way you can't be good at everything! I have my photos linked up with fb and i 've had people message me saying how much they loook forward to see my pics each day:_0)
At school i was a bit of a swot deep down yet hung out with the popular gang yet never quite fitted lol I guess some things will never change
March 4th, 2011
Slater, I never thought of it like that! I guess it is, though, but this is much more fun than high school was at time!
March 4th, 2011
great way of thinking!
March 4th, 2011
A funny way to look at it! I'm not sure how it feels like high school to me. I'll be looking out for that! :0)
March 4th, 2011
@pfmandeville Funny, Pamela. I like the idea of this thread being like a note being passed around. Perfect!
March 4th, 2011
Speaking of school. I've been caught up so much in this thread, that I forgot to take my picture. At least there are still 7 hours left!
March 4th, 2011
@smapp I think you nailed it completely! You have just described by experience and I love it !
March 4th, 2011
LOL. I never thought of it like that. Guess I'll fall into the clique of Drama Geek.
March 4th, 2011
I suppose it is a bit like high school! I don't know where my pictures would place me on the clique spectrum, though... I guess I'm one of those girly, artsy types. Not what you'd call popular, but generally well-liked. Pretty much like I really am at school!
March 5th, 2011
ohhh i fall in the BAD KIDS!!! hahahhahahah! =))

LOVELY!!! =p
March 5th, 2011
Yeah, it totally does to me too. I was in independent art my senior year and was able to 'do my own artistic thing' I feel that here. It's given this 40 year old a new purpose in my creative life. My spark has definitely come back!
March 5th, 2011
@flamez YES SOUNDS FUN!!!
March 5th, 2011
hahaha, never thought of it this way before!! but it kinda is!! for me, it is like high school because in high school, i really found my way. i found hobbies such as tennis and theatre, that i had never been interested in before. and i developed skills in those areas! by joining this site, i am fine-tuning skills within photography, and also finding new techniques i'd never been interested in before, such as portrait photography (selfles!), and things like bokeh.
i can see what you mean with the popular kids, and "bad" kids, but it is sooo different than in high school, because in high school, those groups didn't mesh, let alone like each other...and on here, we mesh and get along :) i am so grateful and thankful that i found this website....i LOVE it!
March 6th, 2011
Haha yes it is a bit. I find it reminds me of being younger because I am focusing on a project that is just for me. When you are 'grown up' you have so many other demands on you that sometimes you get a bit lost in it all. I know art had a huge importance in my high school life and the 365 has brought a bit of that back for me. Not sure I would fall into the same high school group though :)
March 6th, 2011
I love the bit about the subtypes - I'm just glad I don't have to do this with one of my mum's home perms and a crimpoline pinafore....
March 6th, 2011
@judithg LOL
March 6th, 2011
Yeah and they still call me 'four eyes' ....
March 6th, 2011
I hadn't realized it but you are completely correct! Hysterical!
March 6th, 2011
Unlike highschool, at 365 I don't sneak out during recess to smoke *blushes*.

At school, as in life, I was either the geek gang's token cool kid or the cool kids' token geek. I went to an art school though so it was similar in that the commonality of interest brought people together like it does here (and more so than in a 'normal' school).

On the whole popularity thing - I would be lying if I said I didn't get a buzz when my work gets noticed, and the buzz is even greater if it is noticed by somebody I admire. As much as I shoot for my own self-gratification there's no denying that it feels great when one's work is recognised. But it doesn't bother me if something I'm particularly proud of doesn't get noticed - it's the experience of making it that counts for me.

Great analogy!
March 6th, 2011
@judithg -lol!!!
March 6th, 2011
No question that this is much better than high school but it is an interesting viewpoint I had not though of!
March 6th, 2011
I'm relatively new to 365, so I compare it to being put in the AP calculus class and I really just passed pre-algebra! I am a bit overwhelmed to see so many amazing photos and feel like I have so much to learn. Unlike high school, I find 365 full of kind, supportive, and genuinely wonderful people. Oh and I'm so happy I don't have to wear a uniform!
March 6th, 2011
totally... still on the outside looking in more from personal choice than not though lol :)
March 6th, 2011
Like when I was in H. S., I stand on the sidelines and watch as many groups as I can because I really don't belong to a group (I enjoy reading the threads), I work hard on my courses' projects (like I do for 365) and love the end results (like I feel about my 365), and I think about why am I doing this and get excited about coming back tomorrow (just like my 365). However, I am far happier doing this project than I ever felt about going to high school, and I have a far better sense of what is important to me than I ever did in high school. My two goals are to complete this year's 365 Project and to improve my photography skills. Everything else is the icing on the cake. Peace.
March 6th, 2011
I hadn't thought of it that way, but now that you mention it, absolutely! I definitely get that same anxious feeling when I had homework due as I get when it's nearing the end of the day and I still haven't taken my photo yet.

I hope like HS I can graduate 365 too.
March 6th, 2011
@maceugenio LOL!!!!
March 6th, 2011
JUST like in highschool I've tried to be nice to everyone and gotten ridiculed in light of my naivety that everyone would be nice back , but luckily I have thicker skin than I did in highschool. Unlike highschool, I've had people call me "popular". I hate that word with a passion, just like I did back in 98. I wasn't a cool kid in highschool. I was the weird art girl that was also a swimmer. Double whammy. Funny thing is, my hubby was the popular jock in highschool and incessantly made fun of me. I was that girl that didn't wear shoes to school and drove a 68 VW Bug in light blue with zebra striped seat covers and a rubber duckie hanging from the window. I was a weirdo. Luckily in college he saw that weird art kids have some really great qualities ;) and he asked me out. lol
I'd like to say I'm still in the weird art kid category. I like that a lot.

And you perfectly described this 365 to a tee!! haha!! Man, there is no way to say it better. :) :)
March 6th, 2011
Unlike school, if I get a little lazy and don't keep up with my project,
no-one beats the palms of my hands with a two and a half foot long,
thick leather strap.
March 6th, 2011
@flamez I SO want to know what group you think I'm in based on my photos ... ;) but I'm not gonna lie, I'm afraid of what you'll say. lol!
March 6th, 2011
All I know is that 365 is my own little world, I personally do not know anyone on this site and it's wonderful to escape from the usual facebook..I can't relate to really anyone I know about my love for photography so basically..
This site is the best thing ever..
March 6th, 2011
LOLz. Funny I should read this today. For some reason I picked up 3 new followers out of the blue today and as soon as I noticed that, I had to call my husband and brag to him. Not about how great I am (haha) but that there were three people who decided to like me within an felt pretty good! :D
March 7th, 2011
haha, this is better then high school! I make friends easier online, go fig.
March 7th, 2011
I had never though of it that way until now, but it does have me feeling that way sometimes, but this is way better than high school ever was! Oh how I dread my children going to HS...
March 7th, 2011
The only difference here is that half the freshman aren't pregnant!! LOL
March 7th, 2011
I went to an alternative school in the middle of the woods, lived there, had wood stoves, cut wood, swam in the lake, jumped on the trampoline for P.E! We had art, pottery, weaving, photography, cooking, sewing, sex education from Our bodies Ourselves, English, etc...etc... I don't miss high school because of the need to fit in... something I didn't do. But I only had 9 people in my graduating class and was very close to some of the people and teachers at my school.

365 is like my high school in that it is creative and encouraging without the teenage angst!
March 7th, 2011
wow reading some of these responses made me smile and laugh and realize what you guys have said is so true. very interesting view of 365 haha I had never made that connection before... couldnt agree more about how everybody has become really great friends on here. I love my 365 family.
March 7th, 2011
@arrayofblues - lol It is for sure easier to make up to even 10 friends a day online. in highschool there are always cliques and "mean girls" ;) I get what youre saying hahaha
March 7th, 2011
if u look at the BIG picture ...YES!..... it is.....,
you gain knowledge,
you learn something new, from time to time
communicate with other/ make new frineds
doing projects etc.etc.
March 7th, 2011
This website doesn't feel like high school for me at all. I don't feel any pressure from my project, as if someone is watching to see if I'm being accountable. I don't think anyone really cares whether I post or not. It doesn't feel like I have to come up with a specific assignment or I will fail... or get a bad grade or reputation. haha.

I have some followers and I follow several people, who are in some cases gradually becoming better acquaintances. But I'm here, to learn from people who know something I've not learned yet, and I really appreciate the inspiration and motivation this project is giving me. Hope everyone is getting what they want and need from their projects as well.
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