
October 10th, 2022
Can't find a link to explain what the new 'Curated' page is about; could somebody please explain to this old timer what it is and why it is? Thank you
October 10th, 2022
@phil_sandford Hi Phil, its not so new is it? I think its been a thing for years :)
As far as I know @scrivna and @bilbaroo select the photos to go on the curated page.
October 10th, 2022
@kali66 Thanks Kali. I’ve no idea, suddenly noticed it and didn’t know what it is. Can’t find anything in discussion. Just curious.
October 10th, 2022
@phil_sandford @kali66 it's in a blog that Ross uploaded recently ( in january i think?) much like PP it's a popularity thing with ratio of comments to favs and speed they occur. Only thing magic monkey algorithms aren't involved in is the short list for the monthly challenge.
October 10th, 2022
October 10th, 2022
@30pics4jackiesdiamond oh didnt know that, curated by magic monkeys! haha thanks
October 10th, 2022
@30pics4jackiesdiamond interesting…. I didn’t know that…. I thought the same as @kali66
October 10th, 2022
@northy @kali66 @phil_sandford so annoying I cannot find the link. Ross @scrivna would you be kind and put your blog's link here please 😘
October 10th, 2022
i mean it specifically says "Amazing photos, carefully curated by our team". @30pics4jackiesdiamond @northy
October 10th, 2022
@kali66 team of magic monkeys??!!!
October 10th, 2022
The Curated page works slightly different from the Popular, Trending, New Faces pages.

The Curated page is based on the Fav's from a relatively small selection of members that tend to fav good photos.

I can't tell you exactly who they are, because I don't actually know, and they don't know either ... an algorithm chooses these "taste makers" and monitors what they fav, collates them and puts on the curated page.

It was born from an experiment I made a few years back to try and get away from the purely "statistically based" dynamics of the Popular page etc

It seems to work pretty well but it's always hard to judge it's effectiveness because art/photography is always so subjective.
October 11th, 2022
@Scrivna thank you! 😘😌
October 11th, 2022
@kali66 @northy very clever magic monkeys!!!
@phil_sandford curated page changes regularly, photos don't stay there for very long
October 11th, 2022
@Scrivna Thanks Ross.
October 11th, 2022
I'm shocked!! haahaha
October 11th, 2022
Now I’m doubly insulted. Although I have had some photos on the popular, or trending, pages, I don’t think any of my photos have ever appeared on the curated page. Now, in addition, I find out that I am probably not one of those tastemakers whose golden favouring elects photos to that page. Oh, wait, I almost never favour photos anyway, I prefer to comment….Nevermind. ; P
October 11th, 2022
@gardencat I never, ever just fav, I too prefer to take the time to comment (+ fav ) and thank people on the image's thread for their comments😅 Don't be insulted 😉
October 11th, 2022
@30pics4jackiesdiamond I admit, I am derelict in my thanking duties. Although I really appreciate comments when I receive them, I use the excuse that I would rather spend what time I have, in commenting on other's photos than in thanking people for commenting on mine.

I must say that what really intrigues me about the explanation of how the curated photos are picked is this statement:
"The Curated page is based on the Fav's from a relatively small selection of members that tend to fav good photos. "
Which kind of begs the question, but who decides which photos are 'good' in the first place?

October 11th, 2022
@gardencat I wondered that, as recently there was a plagiarised cartoon there!! It's @scrivna 's magic monkeys taste that counts!!!

As to commenting I haven't got a life, I ignore housework etc so have the time!!!
October 11th, 2022
@30pics4jackiesdiamond The monkeys have a lot to answer for. LOL
October 12th, 2022
@gardencat I can't remember the last time I looked at the curated page so wouldn't know if any of mine had been on there - it doesn't pop up on the side like trending and popular do so unless you look regularly you may never know.
October 12th, 2022
@annied I look daily, there are some stunningly beautiful photos that appear not seen on PP
October 12th, 2022
@30pics4jackiesdiamond the formula for choosing is obviously different - I try to go into the PP to check any photos from friends I may have missed - and that is often the case but forget about the curated
October 12th, 2022
@annied @30pics4jackiesdiamond I never even glanced at the curated page until some member mentioned that it was nice to see her photos on the 'popular' page, but what she really valued was getting photos on the 'curated' page so then, of course, I had to check it out. I don't remember what member it was, and though I wrote 'she' it might have been a guy too I just don't remember.
October 13th, 2022
@gardencat I'm open to suggestions on how these pages should work, so let me know any ideas you have. Thanks!
October 13th, 2022
@Scrivna Ross, having started this discussion as I was truly puzzled as to what it was, I went into the Curated page this morning and saw that my photograph from yesterday is on it - but, unlike the Popular Page and Trending Page, where you get a noitification that your photo is ‘featured on the TT or PP’ there is nothing to say it's on the 'curated' page. Is that something that could be looked at? Just a thought?
October 13th, 2022
@Scrivna I guess I just think that using the title 'curated' is rather misleading especially since the mechanism of the curation process seemed to be rather questionable and secretive up till now.
For me, curated should mean a real person, or persons, who look at the pictures posted and make a careful selection.
I love this site and I enjoy getting comments from other members here on my photos but I think using the number of favs a photo gets as a measure of its degree of quality or 'goodness' is seriously flawed. I think that very often the number of comments or favs you get, on any particular photo, has only a little to do with how appealing the photo is, and a lot to do with how many other people's photos you have commented on that day. It doesn't bother me at all if there are special trending, popular, or curated pages but I think it should be made clearer how selection to those pages is made and that often, getting on those pages is more a function of how active you are on the site and how many people you interact with, rather than on the artistic value of your photos.
My comment about being "doubly insulted" was made tongue in cheek but I do think some people take their work's appearance on these pages rather more seriously and are upset or discouraged when they see that their pictures are not often honoured in this way.
Sorry if I've turned this into something bigger than it needs to be. I do appreciate all the work you do to keep this site up, and active, and I know it is lots easier to criticize than it is to actually get out there and run something.
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