Diversity or Not?

April 21st, 2011
Do you diversify your objects or scenes? I seem to have a lot of scenery pictures. I try to change it up a bit once in a while.What do you do?
April 21st, 2011
i do a lot of really zoomed in photos. micro i think it's called. i like the detail. i don't do a lot of scenery shots, but i guess that's because right now everything is still growing. not much green yet. or i take photos of animals. :)
April 21st, 2011
My area is rather plain. And being stay-at-home mom most of the week, I don't have as much flexibility. I just try to find inspiration from things around me. Good thing flowers are starting to bloom here cause I am running out of ideas. This week though I will be posting same subject pictures (sweet treats) which will give me a few days of postings. I am going to try that again if I ran out of random things to capture. I prefer though to try different shots since I am a newbie. I just want to learn as much as I can. Hope this helps.
April 21st, 2011
I take pictures of no particular items. I try to practice all types of photography.
April 21st, 2011
I have categories of pictures that I habitually do, but I would really like to push myself to try more unfamiliar things.

Familiar -
macro, transport, urban, architecture, technology, food, mundane-life-photoblogging, long exposure

Unfamiliar -
Street photography, portraiture, extensive processing

Really I'd love to reach the point where the pictures work on more than one level, like the sort of photo journalism I admire. For example a really well composed and lit/exposed background WITH some really interesting subject or action in the foreground.
April 21st, 2011
I'm stuck on street shots and people. But that suits the fact I'm not very technical or using a DSLR currently. I'd like to branch out and try different stuff but I haven't really got the time or money right now.
April 21st, 2011
I seem to be stuck in a bit of a rut at the moment .. all I photograph are rubber ducks! :/
April 21st, 2011
I try to, when I can.
April 21st, 2011
During summer/spring pretty much all of shots are macros of insects, bugs etc. That's by far my favourite style so I comfortable with the lack diversity. Like Kelly (@gesshoku) I'm drawn to the crazy details that are right all around us but very often totally overlooked. I just can't enoguh of it.

During the bugless winter months I'll certain have a greater diversity, which I'm looking forward to as well to push me out of my comfort zone.
April 21st, 2011
I'm using this 365 project to force myself to try new things. I set a weekly theme and try to stick with it for 7 days. A lot of times it means 7 days of rubbish; other times I learn interesting tricks and techniques that I can then apply to my more "serious" non-365 photos.

One thing is certain: it's helping me get over my "fear" of the unknown (photographically speaking).
April 21st, 2011
My challenge to myself is to mix it so that the picture today is completely different from yesterday - in every way. Sometimes it can be quite daunting - but I soldier on and have fun.
April 22nd, 2011
I once saw a photographer's website with the following line at the bottom: "Specializing in weddings, landscapes, portraits, animals, culture, street photography, sunset, long exposures, gardens, lighthouses, air shows, school portraits, and sports."

I laughed for nearly an hour. Diversity is good, but it can cause your photography to actually suffer. I found this out the hard way. Instead, find something you are passionate about and stick with it.

It has taken me nearly two years, but I have finally found my focus: I am a photojournalist focusing on places, culture, and history. They are all intertwined.

Sure, I still shoot photos of animals cause it's hard not to when I'm photographing a river or ocean. I still shoot sunrise and sunsets because that is part of the place. I shoot air shows because I enjoy them.

But my focus is very clear now, and I'm finding my photography getting better as a result.
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