More Than Just Photography and Rhinos

May 11th, 2011
First up, let me say this has almost nothing to do with photography, and for the very first time I am using the 365 Project in a mostly personal manner, but also with a question that most people can answer.

Most everybody knows me, and if you don't hi, my name is Jason, I am a professional photojournalist and travel photographer and I hear voices. Now we are very familiar with each other.

I joined the 365 Project because I felt I could lend a lot of my experience, tips, and tricks with the other members. I love writing tutorials for all of you (I'm writing one on Digital B&W Photography, but some people keep distracting me), I comment on as many threads as I can to help people out, and I love offering advice. If I haven't given you some advice yet, just ask, cause I'm always willing and happy to help.

A couple of weeks ago I started a discussion thread concerning a very large loss of followers of my profile. One person made a comment that I was probably losing followers because I was too much like a machine, too professional, and that I didn't engage in idle chit-chat.

Then I met @katiegc24 and all that changed. Suddenly I realized the 365 Project was more than just a place to discuss photography, it was a place for people with a shared passion for photography to meet.

I've tried to think of words to describe how sweet, beautiful, smart, awesome, amazing, and perfect Kate is, so instead I'll do what this site was meant for: I'll show you a photo that describes her.

I shot this photo last week on my way up Interstate 26 in North Carolina. I had heard that Transylvania County was known for being the wettest county in the state and boasting over 250 waterfalls, but I didn't know just how breathtaking it would be. As soon as I walked around that last bend in the trail and saw High Falls, it took my breath away. I was stunned into silence, which I think all of you know just how significant that is.

Well...that waterfall had the same affect on me as Kate does. She, too, takes my breath away with everything she says and does. And I wanted to share this story with all my friends (all 2 of you I think) on this project. This site is more than just photography, it is interaction, friendship, a meeting place of sorts, a mecca for all photographers amateur to professional and of every possible walk of life. And because of this site, I've meet the most amazing woman I've ever known.

I live in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, and I do not believe any other photographers on this site live near me. So, I am wondering: How many people here met on this project, and then met in real life to work together?
May 11th, 2011
Jason - I honestly don't know how many, but I am sure that, soon, it will be two more.
May 11th, 2011
Aww! That is sooo sweet!!

I haven't yet met people from this site in real life! However, I have friends on here that either joined because of me or I joined because of them!
May 11th, 2011
:) very nice and such a fabulous waterfall photo. i know you had said before you didn't have much occasion to photograph any, so I'm glad you found this one! I haven't met anyone here that I went along to meet in real life, but I have 2 friends who i "brought along" with me to do their own projects.

I tried starting a 365 FB group for my local area, but it kind of fizzled immediately. So, I just roam solo, and explore the expanses of the earth through 365.
May 11th, 2011
I actually found this site thanks to another wife from my husband's boat. =)
May 11th, 2011
This is such a beautiful story and photo. Thank you for sharing!
Also, I'm very grateful for the advise you've given me in the threads that I've posted. I've been waiting on that b&w tutorial!
Now to answer your question. I'm from Mississippi. I keep my eyes open for local people, but I haven't seem any yet. So if y'all know anyone here from MS, I'd LOVE to meet them!!!
May 11th, 2011
@lolanae It is a beautiful story, right? He is *so* sweet!

I love that photo. Like, really love it. And I love how you named it after me. :D Yay!
May 11th, 2011
Aww. This is sweet. You should have waited until she was sleeping, though!
May 11th, 2011
@meggageg I didn't let him :D :D
May 11th, 2011
@meggageg Also.... I don't sleep. MWAHAHAHAHAHAAA :D
May 11th, 2011
@katiegc24 I just heard the snap of the whip you got on him. haha.
May 11th, 2011
@meggageg That's the way it goes.

@jasonbarnette LURVE.
May 11th, 2011
Love the story and the pic, haven't met anyone from 365, but am hoping that will change soon (with another Norfolk 365'ers meet)
May 11th, 2011
@minxymissk I will bug Mr @sburbidge to do it. he really needs to organise another one. :D

@jasonbarnette organiSe.
May 11th, 2011
@jasonbarnette Just for the record, I've always found you helpful, wouldn't say too professional or machine-like!
May 11th, 2011
Jason, I actually realized that there had to be a few in the Philadelphia region. I found one randomly, found two in a thread about taking photos in the city and then searched by Philadelphia.

I then thought, why not reach out to them, so I put out a discussion to see if there were any others from the larger region called the Delaware Valley. We got seven right away, and then another seven showed up. We did a field trip to a sculpture garden two weeks ago. We also started a facebook group just for our region to hopefully shre great locations and get togethers. I so enjoyed meeting @triplescoop and @hjbenson and look forward to more trips.

Also, I thought if I was going to travel somewhere and I follow a person, I am going to ask them for recommendations on places to see and photograph. I would also anyone to reach out to me if they visit the area.
May 11th, 2011
@meggageg I wanted to do it while she was sleeping, but suddenly all @katiegc24 was saying was "rawr"...yeah...I broke

@sweett I'm working on that tutorial!! But...I'll give you three guesses why I haven't had time to do it, but I think you'll only need Kate. Er%2
May 11th, 2011
@katiegc24 - gee you've really won a heart there Kate!
May 11th, 2011
@kjarn Just hope she doesn't use that gift receipt to return me for another one...
May 11th, 2011
@jasonbarnette :O as if I would!!!

@kjarn :blushface: I can't believe it!
May 11th, 2011
Oh, so sweet. I haven't actually met anyone on this site, but I am chatting with another member on FB and she feels like a real friend. :) A little different point is that when I started this project, I used the FB app and my long lost relative/high school friend joined up and we have reconnected through our love of photography.

Thanks for sharing a piece of your personal journey on the 365 project.
May 11th, 2011
awww how sweet !

well in my case i have met @lisahutchinson in person and have chatted online to her for many years altho 400 miles seperate us hehe !

also i have been chatting to @coolgirlsar & @kirsty1975 online for several years too , all 4 of us originally met via lisas parenting forum , kirsty lives about an hour and a half from me and sarah about 6 hours from me , i have never met sarah or kirsty but along with lisa i value their friendship very much :) i believe we are all each others biggest fans :D

must just add , if it hadnt been for me seeing sarahs awesome photos online i would never have decided "i want to do that" .... so thankyou chick:D x
May 11th, 2011
I went along to @toast 's first London meet, and then set one up myself; probably met about a dozen sorts from here in total :)
May 11th, 2011
1. I always look forward to your advice and the knowledge you pass along. I haven't visited your blog in a while but I do poke around now and again. I always click on the technical threads to see what you have to say. (Not soliciting by any means but I was hoping you might pop in and comment on my thread about media influencing personal photographs!) I don't think you sound mechanical either. you have a lot of knowledge gained the long way around and you are passionate about sharing that with others. Nothing wrong with that.
2. I haven't met anyone on here and then met in life, but before I moved back to this area I found and sought out others that lived around here to follow, with the hopes of organiZing (@katiegc24) a meet-up in a central location to do some photography. I haven't been able to get anything together yet, but things are settling down so hopefully soon. I don't do FB so there may be some sort of group set up in the area but I wouldn't know! hahaha
May 11th, 2011
I have met Rache @Flamez, Dale @Itsonlyart and John @Jonah675
I met Rache Online via My Parenting Forum Mums World then We met in Person when She lived not far from Me, Sadly She is now 400 Miles away so I dont get to see Her and Her Fab Family not to mention Fab Reptiles but We chat Online, I met Dale through working with Him, We both worked in a High Street store where Dale still works today, I often pop in to say Hello and if I have My Children with Me they often raid His Sweet Jar. I met John through one of My Best Friends Claire. I really would love to meet Sarah @Coolgirlsar and Kirsty @Kirsty1975 I have only met them virtually via Mums World, Sarahs Sons are the same age as My Oldest and Youngest and Kirstys Daughter is the same age as My Oldest in fact their Birthdays are a day apart and they used to be Penpals, Sarah is at a guess 100 Miles away ish and Kirsty like Rache is 400 Miles away. I would love to meet them both. There are a few 365'ers who are quite local who I'd love to meet.

Whilst Im here I want to say Thank You to @Flamez @Coolgirlsar and @Kirsty1975 because if was those 3 that got Me into 365 and its those 3 that talk Me out of quitting when I have "One of those days"
May 12th, 2011
I found this site due to a friend of mine. I've since influenced two other coworkers to join the site and because of that, we have three or four other students of ours who are also on the site. I have several other friends who I follow, that I've never met, although I'd love to meet them in the future.
May 12th, 2011
I have met a couple of people so far and it was a fantastic experience each time. I look forward to seeing/meeting more when I am in SoCal later this month. This is truly a fantastic community and I am so grateful for the friends I have made here!
May 12th, 2011
haven't met anyone in person yet. As a matter of fact, I have only found one person that lives anywhere near me (maybe about an hour or so away?)
May 12th, 2011
A friend of mine started a 365 and that is how I heard about the site. I invited a couple of friends to start, but they all fell off the wagon after a week or so. I have not yet met anyone from the site, I live in the stix. All the advice you provide is really appreciated.
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