choosing your photography name

June 16th, 2011
it's a bit of a minefield out there isn't it. i've been marking my shots with say cheese for ages witth a bit of an inkling that it might be a fairly popular name for photography sorts,a quick google search proved me right, now my nickname is sally cheese,has been for years now so i really wanted to stay with a name that incorporated that so i have gone for say czeese as a play on the word with the ch sound coming from the cz like in my surname,google says i am safe with that one for now so i will stick with it
June 16th, 2011
Naming your studio is tough. I think that's why most photogs go with "their name" Photography. But I like really simple names, that people are likely to remember. I love names like Zack Arias' "OneLight", Timothy Pham's "Ardent Studio", and Skye Hardwick's "Work of Heart" and "Soulographer" trademarks - all simple, elegant, and easy to remember. But any name you come up with, other than your own name (in most cases), you need to trademark. If you don't, someone else can take it and then stop you from using it.

I struggled with my business name - I didn't want to use my name, and initial variations were already taken (not locally, but I also wanted the URL's all to myself). Jinx Images seemed memorable enough, but I get that some people just don't like it. Maybe they're supersticious. ;) But, to me at least, it seems modern, a little edgy, and really easy to type into a browser. I got the domain of course, and snagged the .com as well - helps if someone forgets to type the .au, or just can't remember if it has it or not - either way they get my site! Same with emails. And it does happen - I get emails to the .com every so often, even though that's not listed anywhere.

I like your name because it is a play on your actual name, and it is easy to remember. I'm not sure about the spelling, because people won't remember that so well. I'm not sure about the name in the sense that it's a bit "cliche" or a bit cheesy (no pun intended), but that can be good because it is memorable. Does it suit your photo style? Do you do "bright and happy" "semi-traditional"? Because that's likely what people will associate with the name. That's what I associate, at least.

You can always change it later. It is a hassle, of course, but better than losing options because other people snatch them up while you're trying to decide. I originally missed my .com URL because of that (was just lucky it came up again when the holder didn't renew it).

Good luck!
June 16th, 2011
bright and happy is definitely my style,i havn't the patience for mood photography lol
June 16th, 2011
@sallycheese Since I have been taking pictures I have always thought my name would be "Capturing Moments Photography" (:
June 16th, 2011
It's so hard to choose a name isn't it. At the moment I've gone for the very predictable and boring "Sarah White Photography". I did at one point nearly go for "Monkey Monsters and Milk Gremlins Photographers" as those are the two nicknames I have for my boys but that's a bit long winded. lol.

I like the name you've come up with, it sounds fun, has a sort of link to your name and incoprates the name you were using before.
June 16th, 2011

What does it take to trademark your name?
Is it a lengthy, legal process?

I'm wondering because I initially wanted to name my business 'Sweet Tea Photography'. I was so excited about it, I told everyone. Someone I told totally stole it from me. She now has a sweet tea bakery. (Where I'm from, sweet tea's good as gold!)
I have chosen a different name for my business, but I'm afraid to share it. I don't want someone to steal it!
June 16th, 2011
@coolgirlsar your name is great lol, i call my cat both monkey and monster. those kind of names are the best!
June 16th, 2011
I use the name i often use online "Flamez " my fb page is simply Flamez Photography
June 16th, 2011
Miss Vicki Photography is what I chose and I label my pics MVP
and my name is Vicki Kell. My nickname has always been Miss Vicki so the story goes.....
June 16th, 2011
Mine's 'photosynthesise photography' and I have the I don't think anyone else has this name, however I know someone has photosynthesis and they're very very similar. And it's not that easy to remember so it's probably not the best name. But I like the fact it both contains the word photo and in biology terms (yes, I'm a geek), means 'making something from light'. So I just stuck with it, took me ages to think of though.
June 16th, 2011
I didn't put much thought into mine, I'm either Kalm33 or MinxyMissK online and so chose MinxyMissK for my photography :)
June 17th, 2011
@sweett Jessica - sounds to me like you could (probably) still use the name, because your business type is totally different. Like with Tim's "Ardent Studio" there is also an "Ardent Security" - both trademarked, both registered as businesses, with no conflict. Trademarks generally apply the same way as registered business names and, if there is no obvious conflict, someone would have to object (and win that objection) during the application peroid. All you need to do is contact the trademarks office from your country and complete the necessary paperwork and lodge that with the fee (fee is around $200, from memory). Once registered, the trademark lasts 10 years and then can be automatically renewed (no-one can object). However, if you stop using the trademark, someone else can take it from you and apply to register it to themselves.

Also remember that registering the business name does not prevent someone else from using the name, which is why you need the trademark. The trademark only applies in your own country - if you want international registration that costs more, and you have to be able to show that you conduct business in whichever countries you wish to register. If you register just the business name, someone else can register the trademark of your business name and then take legal action to force you to change your business name. It's all very stupid, but easy to maintain once it is in place.
October 20th, 2011
Mine is Intricate Photography. I chose that because I love details and I aim to capture the little ones that often get overlooked! There is another photo business by the same name out there so I ended up with but the name really felt right so I didn't want to change it even with that knowledge.
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