Making a Photography Website

June 29th, 2011
Hey, I just made a website for my photography because I'm getting asked to do lots of senior portraits, family portraits, and a few weddings. So now that I have made it, I would really like some feedback/ critiquing of it. So if you could, check it out, and tell me what you like, and what you would do to make it better or more pleasing. Also if you have any additional ideas that you would incorporate on creating a website for photography, please, do tell me :)

The link is:
I know its long, but once I get a little more money, I will start paying for my own domain, but till then, this is what I will be using.
June 29th, 2011
I would change the music. A lot of people are put off by music on websites. Personally I don't mind music on websites. That being said, if you feel the need to use music, I would add a musical piece that is neutral and therefore pleasing to everyone. I realize you're young, but if you're trying to clients, especially for weddings, which are elegant affairs, you need to present yourself in a mature elegant way and I'm sorry, but Pitbull or any rap music for that matter does not say mature and elegant. Try using an instrumental.
June 29th, 2011
I tend to agree with @mej2011 ... I don't think it's bad for the action photos as it kinda gives it the energy, but for the portraits, something a little soft might be nice. I think it looks pretty awesome, though :)
June 29th, 2011
Nice shooting, Kody. I agree with Melissa and Nicole about the music. I'm the father of two 20-something daughters so I'm looking at putting on a wedding or two in the not-too-distant future. If you must have music, then (1) make it instrumental and (2) lower the volume. Don't make your visitor fiddle with their speakers or just mute it entirely.

Secondly, in your galleries, the thumbnails are square while the portraits are not. The thumbnails necessarily cut off the ends somehow. If you can load the portrait *and* a simple edit for a thumbnail of the portrait, then you get some control and you might do that. But if the function that generates the thumbnail just takes the portrait you load, then I would consider not using the thumbnails at all. It does harm to your work and suggests that the web designer hasn't thought through all the issues.

Just my quick 2ยข worth, but good luck!
June 29th, 2011
Here's my opinion (but others might disagree):
- no music
- gallery 1 & 2 are uneven ... put roughly the same # of images in each to keep the thumbnail size consistent
- great watermark!
June 29th, 2011
oh - also - either put a contact me page on the sports section, or have it on the main site intro.
It's only in the portrait section right now.
June 29th, 2011
Your Meta data needs help. It's your best "free" tool for getting picked up by Google and other search engines, so it;s pretty important to your website. Are you allowed "behind the scenes" to change it, or is the site run by template?.
The contact info point is important too.
Also, I thought it played a little fast.
It's a pretty good site though. Great photos too.
June 29th, 2011
downfall with music - lots of people will simply close a browser window that has music. often at work if people are browsing the music can be considered obnoxious. if they are looking for a photographer it might be considered a turn off. just my thought.
June 29th, 2011
I agree with the music, definitely! Music on web sites generally puts me off the site and distracts me from what it's actually advertising.
June 29th, 2011
Unwarranted sounds on websites are a very big no-no, as you've probably gathered from most responses already, so (if it's even still on there, as I didn't hear anything just now) that does need to go.
June 29th, 2011
Once I had looked at the portraits, there was no way of navigating back to the sports shots without clicking the back button 20 times or typing in your full address again. Personally I wouldn't design the sports section so completely different to the portraits, because it looks a little confusing . I would stick to one design so you can use it as your 'brand identity' on business cards, stationary, invoices etc. Oh, and I'd lose the music.
However, you have done some great work and well done on getting a site up!
These are small points and overall what you have done so far is excellent. Wishing you the best of luck for your new business. . :-)
June 29th, 2011
Thanks everybody, oh and @artistmichelle actually there is a way, I just didn't really know how to put it on, but if you click on the name in the top left it takes you back to the main page. That was irritating me when I was making it and every time I checked it I would have to do what you did, but I did put that in there before I finished it. Any ideas on a better way?
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