Photography Business

July 25th, 2011
I've really been enjoying the 365 project (I post a lot on my blog as well - In May my husband bought me a Canon EOS 60D and three lenses since then that I love. I still need to purchase a remote shutter release and a new tripod (I'm also daydreaming about a 100mm macro lens and a serious telephoto lens). Anyway, I'm considering going into fine art/nature photography as a business but would love some feedback as to weather I have a chance. Or do I need a lot more practice? I am an introvert so I'm not really interested in portrait photography unless I know you really really well on a personal level. So, shots of my family and close friends don't really count ;) .

What do you think? I'm okay with the truth, I won't break, honest.
July 25th, 2011
art photography is "extremely" tricky to make money from unless you are going out and selling your own prints as that is the one area that most people who pick up a camera automatically go for so is completely saturated I cant count the number of times I have heard of someone setting up a red bubble account or a deviant art account and wondering why they haven't sold any photos but the fact is that to make serious money from that side you have to either be world class or have built up a name already. there is well paid work for photographers out there but a huge amount of it is in the business sector (food, architecture, corporate.) and they have an idea of what shots they want so it leaves very little room for creativity if you are lucky you might get an event or 2 but its not the easiest of professions as pretty much anyone nowadays can use a camera, you have to find your unique selling point what makes you different from everyone else and find an area that suitsthat selling point, I wish you luck though
July 25th, 2011
@kynosmom I'm no expert but if I were you, having got a new cam and 3 lenses in may, I'd still give myself a few months and see how i feel about it, by then you could see what genre you most prefer, if people are not on top of your list. Hope this helps.
July 25th, 2011
@asrai Thank you, Lee. What about nature photography though? Thanks for the info about the business sector, I would be interested in the food and/or architecture aspect of it. I know it won't be easy but I'm not the breadwinner in our family so there's not a need to "make it". I'd still love to know if my photography is any good or do I still have a long way to go?
July 25th, 2011
@sheetalthakker Thanks. Actually, I've been taking pictures most of my life (got my first film slr in 1986), the camera is just new. I started this project in January. I've always preferred nature photography and where I think my pictures are the best but am looking for feedback.
July 25th, 2011
nature is quite a speciallist field you have to ask yourself where your market is, if it is Joe public you may find it falls into the same category as art photography if it is magazines you have to check out the competition find the types of shot they use and take shots that are equal to different from or better than the ones they have, this may be a bit tricky as nature photographers usually have shed loads of equipment if you feel that you can do it though go for it, you dont have anything to loose
July 25th, 2011
If you are interested in wildlife photography, have you looked into what it takes to get into the field?
How to Begin a Wildlife Photography Business

As far as your photos go, there is so much competition. You need to get your photos out and build a name for yourself. Start in your community by entering photo contests or submit photos for various events. Try printing and selling your work in local shops. @asrai has made a good point in mentioning you need to determine your niche. Share your pictures with those who will be most likely to take the time to look at them.
July 25th, 2011
A few years ago, I sold matted prints and cards at a tourist shop in my area. I didn't make a killing, but made all my money back, plus had some to buy some photography goodies later on. I don't know where you live, but if there is a local business you could approach about consignment, it would be a place to start. Good luck
July 25th, 2011
@dmortega Thanks for the link. Yes, I've looked into it and I'm willing, actually excited about it. There are a few local competitions coming up and I plan on entering them. The local shops idea is a good one, too.

@cfitzgerald That's a great idea, too. Thanks.
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