Why we love photography

July 27th, 2011
What do you believe you love most at photography?
I like that each photo is a part of my live.Every time I look at one I just came back in time and it's like I'm in that place again.
July 27th, 2011
It is the other part of my life (my creative part deep inside me); and most of all, I wants to see other people's creative mind; their places, their likes, their pets, their homes and country.
July 27th, 2011
It's my creative outlet. I don't do anything else at the moment hobbies wise....too many family responsibilities. It gives me me time and satisfaction. There is always something new to learn.
July 27th, 2011
Its a snapshot in time that brings back memories - same as you. I use a lot of my photos in scapbook pages and journal a little about what was happening at that time.
I am also making photobooks of my first 365 project so that we have something to look back on for 2011 - I hope to see how my photography has improved too.
Happy snapping!
July 27th, 2011
The artistic and visual impact, I consider the photo a good one if it makes myself or someone else feel something. I also like the challenge of photographing something elusive or in a different way.
July 27th, 2011
photography allows my to capture moments in time and keep them forever, whether they are important family events or a simple flower from my garden. some people are fortunate enough to be able to sculpt or paint; i take photos. i don't have an expensive camera, but because of this project and the wonderful people here, i am learning new techniques and am exploring new avenues everyday. each day is an adventure and i feel like the artist i felt was inside of me but could not access. this is the wonder 365.
July 27th, 2011
It gives me a chance to be creative and forces me to see the world in different ways. My vision has changed because of it for the better.
July 27th, 2011
The photograph makes me more observant, curious and open to the world... and i love that!
July 27th, 2011
6 months ago I did not think I had an artistic bone in my body. Photography has brought that out in me. It has also opened my eyes to the world, and now I see things I never saw before.
July 27th, 2011
It makes me look at and appreciate my surroundings like never before. I've never looked so closely at the details of a simple flower.
July 27th, 2011
To me its a challenge the ability to accomplish something. Its also a disease with me. If I didn't have two girls I was responsible for I'd be chasing storms and other dangerous things photographing them. Its fun and its addicting!
July 27th, 2011
it gives me a chance to capture time and create something beautiful...i am addicted to the process of finding/creating the perfect shot....one that conveys a feeling to the viewer:)
July 27th, 2011
For me, it is about capturing time. I think it is so important!

I was always made fun of for taking so many pictures everywhere I went. Yet, on a sad note, 4 years ago my boyfriend/best friend passed away very suddenly. At his wake I couldn't stop hearing about all the wonderful pictures that were there and how great that was. So, for a sad reason - all those pictures came in handy.
July 27th, 2011
i like being able to create something that makes people look more than once and i am rubbish at drawing/painting, i also like that it is something for me and that it captures moments in my life for pretty much ever
July 27th, 2011
Not sure it can be one thing in particular.
Capture or a moment, feeling or event.
Use your point of view to give new interpretation to an existing situation
Looking at what I did and feeling that I have some artistic talent and skill
Realizing that people like to look at my photos and that some of them get a deeper meaning, a smile, or inspiration.
July 27th, 2011
Photography gives me a chance to express my interpretation of the things around me.
July 27th, 2011
It fulfills me. When I do photography, I am just me. I can ignore the mommy, wife, and adult obligations. Plus, it helps me fulfill my creative outlet.
July 27th, 2011
It's something I am truly good at. I've always beeen clumsy at sports. Always the more creative one. When I got into photography it felt good to be praised. I love making people happy with my photography. It makes me happy. When I'm sad/alone/depressed, photography can help me through. It truly is magical.
July 27th, 2011
its the capturing of a moment, a moment that may well have passed by gone un noticed and been forgotten I love photography because photography is about the detail while at the same time being about the wider picture, its a medium that can make you laugh and cry that can stir anger or compassion in equal measure, it is a medium designed to be shared but can be very personal, it brings back memories and feelings as well as getting across ideas that can change the world, Why do I love photography because its powerful sensitive wonderful and mine :D
July 29th, 2011
I love taking my camera with me out in nature because it causes me to slow down and really look around me. I am amazed by our world and don't want to miss anything. Hopefully my ability to capture what I see, the way I see it, will improve as time goes on. Oh, yeah, and because its fun!
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