First Attempt at Cloning Photography

September 1st, 2011
So I just tried my first cloning photography out and here it is

Critiques please :D
September 1st, 2011
I really like it! :) Especially the two on the bench - very creative and realistic :)
September 1st, 2011
really great job for your first cloning shot!! I still have yet to try this :) I'd say if I had to critique, the one thing that makes this look not realistic (aside from the fact that she is multiplied ;D) is the way her hair if falling down onto the other her's leg lol Thats the only thing I can think of fixing. I feel like it should be more shaped to her leg so that it doesn't look like its falling to the bench (because it really was when you took the shot)
September 1st, 2011
Great job! I think it's really fun and something I'll have to try myself sometime!
September 1st, 2011

Interesting bench :)
September 1st, 2011
@balkaj @hotto43 even the bench was cloned in your pics hehe! great shots! what software did you guys used? coz i haven't seen a cloning tool as yet.
September 1st, 2011
Very good, and pretty brave for a first attempt, having overlapping people in it! That's always the hard part to make look right, and as @lauren211 says, it's only really the lying down one's hair messing up the shot. What you'd need to fix that is two things: some small object as thick as her leg there for her head to rest on, in place of the sitting-down-her's leg, so the hair'd flow properly, and to then do a bit of shadow recreation work on the final image, as her head *should* be casting some form of mild shadow on the leg. That's the main thing with making these shots look realistic - recreating shadows. You can do them with a "darken" tool, or by just using a big, non-sharp brush with black and a high degree of transparency, so it only paints softly.
September 1st, 2011
As an example, see how this looks pretty obviously fake:

What'd fix it would be a shadow from my arm on the back of the chair, to give it more presence in the image. Also maybe blurring the edge of my arm as it's a bit harsh, but this was one of my first attempts...
September 1st, 2011
In my book, Cloning is not photography, it is a manipulation of photography,
Yes, there is a place for it, and it is clever, but I don't see how it can be refered to as (photography).
September 1st, 2011
@rrt How is it not photography? All aspect still apply. If your lighting is a hair off from one frame to the next, it ruins it. If the focus is not on the subject, it ruins it. Granted, a deal of Photoshop is required to finalize it but that doesn't dismiss it from photography. All professionals use post processing and some of them use multiple exposures as well.
September 1st, 2011
September 1st, 2011
That's a lot harder than it looks. I had a lot of trouble with the lighting on this one, and this was my second attempt at cloning.

To have overlapping people in your first attempt is very cool.
September 2nd, 2011
Also, my first attempt at cloning, yet didn't have the courage to do over-lapping pictures...

And I respectfully disagree with @rrt... To me, photography is art. I took the shot, and merged it into one. That, I believe is still photography... It's not at all different from cropping to have dramatic angles, rotating, or even making drastic changes to colors, brightness, clarity to make your photo more lively. Unless there is a competition and there are established rules, I say these are still deemed under photography. But hey, I'm no pro. :D
September 2nd, 2011

showed this to my kid (in the middle) and she was surprised to see one of her best friend doubled right before her eyes hehe!
September 2nd, 2011
@yotan18 loved it! mabuhay (long live and prosper)! =)
September 2nd, 2011
@meshinka I knew I would get some flack on my comment, and that is ok. I look at something that I can see, and I take a picture of it. To me that is a true photograph, Having a picture that contains images that were put in by a other means is just a manulipulation. Clever, yes, a true photograph, not in my way of thinking.
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