What We Include and What We Leave Out

August 26th, 2012
A Roman poet said, "Things are not always as they seem; the first appearance deceives many." Photographs shape what we see by how the shot is framed, what is included and what is left out. Share some of your pictures that painted a picture different from what we would have seen had we been there. What was included and what was left out? Thank you!

Here's one of mine from yesterday. What looks like a wooded stream is a suburban storm drain surrounded on all sides by houses:

August 26th, 2012
This is the corner end of a park that is surrounded on all sides by very busy three-lane roads in a suburb of Los Angeles. This is at the corner of an intersection where you know you will always have to wait behind at least 10 cars or so to even get to the traffic lights. I shot this from my car while I was waiting! I think next time I am at this corner, I will turn the camera the other way and show the comparison.
August 26th, 2012
This was just a shot of the grass in my yard. Nothing more, nothing less. Part of what we do is to enhance emotion, something mother nature kick starts. I think we have all looked at someone's pic, and crop it differently in our heads.

August 26th, 2012
There is a large sprawling prison just to the left of this shot, you can just see the start of the grey buildings :)

August 26th, 2012

We do not see any part of the house this is attached to nor a nearby tree.
August 26th, 2012
I took this standing outside a restaurant right near the mall. Between me and the subject is a very busy 6 lane road. Tree is flanked by apartment buildings. Someone commented it looks like a safari. Safari in the city!

August 26th, 2012
this was taken in a business park, this pond and waterfall is surrounded by tall buildings...

August 26th, 2012
Interesting topic. It's so true.
This was taken right next to someone's house and it looks like it could be out in the woods somewhere.
August 26th, 2012
This is the back side of a sign post showing the distances to various cities/towns in the world. From this angle, it becomes sort of a do-it-yourself invite.

August 27th, 2012
You'd never guess this was taken on a thin strip of grass next to a busy road, would you?

August 27th, 2012
@pocketmouse @bankmann @mittens @socalgal @danette @dmortega @welcometocarolworld @nancyperry @boogie

Thank you for sharing your wonderful pictures. It amazes me how many different stories a place or a moment can tell depending on how you photograph it.
August 27th, 2012

clover on side of a busy 4 lane highway... Loved that they didn't cut it. You can see the road ( the grey in the back)
August 27th, 2012
Directly behind this hill is a skate park. I had to lie on the ground (camera in the dirt) to get the skaters out of this picture. Oh, and I was in a skirt... it wasn't pretty!)

August 27th, 2012
@eyesofbetsie Funny story. Beautiful picture, too.
August 27th, 2012
@eyesofbetsie Amazing picture. Worth getting on the ground for.

What we do to get a picture - a whole discussion on its own!
August 27th, 2012
@mittens Thanks sister!
August 28th, 2012
In about half of my weekday pictures I have to work around discarded tires and traffic cones, the back of a Hardee's, a large laundry cart, a bright blue child's wading pool and goose droppings. The park is nice, but it is surrounded by businesses and homes and people illegally dump stuff from the sides of the bridges.

August 28th, 2012
There were hundreds of birds and thousands of lily pads surrounding this little tranquil spot.

August 31st, 2012
This shot was a last minute staged shot before we ate these little cake balls. the rest of the table is covered in mail and dishes. The tea cup has tea in it, but it is cold and left over from hours before. :)

August 31st, 2012
@dmariewms It looks like such a pristine location. Glad the birds still come around.
August 31st, 2012
@abhijit It seems to quiet and peaceful.
August 31st, 2012
@hopess13 LOL at the table and leftover tea. This certainly does not look last minute.
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