WINNER!!! Camera Settings Challenge 15

November 5th, 2012
Congratulations to Northy – Woo Hoo!!! I love your shot & interpretation of the camera settings challenge. It is your turn to either find someone else to host the next camera settings challenge or come up with your own challenge. Here is a link that you may find helpful. It lists possible challenge hosts, previous challenges as well as the format used when setting up the challenges. I apologize that it isn't up to date - some of the challenges are not on it and some of the potential hosts are no longer on 365.

November 5th, 2012
@myhrhelper Think you forgot the host list ;-)
November 5th, 2012
@djepie Opps, I thought I copied it before but looks like I didn't.
Thanks Jaap for letting me know. Are you willing to host future challenges if needed?
November 5th, 2012
OMG! I was surprised enough at making finalist - never occurred to me I might win! I'll have a look thru all the info tonight and see if I can find a willing host - my camera skills being very much at the noviciate level still! ;)
November 5th, 2012
@northy Congratulations again!! If you are looking for a host you can choose anyone whose photography you admire that you feel would be able to teach us something. Please don't feel you need to stick with any list. Perhaps someone you follow.
November 6th, 2012
@northy Congrats!
November 6th, 2012
@northy Congratulations Northy. Great shot.
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