mad minute word monday - abligurition

July 15th, 2013
i have the pleasure of hosting and coming up with a mad minute word for today.

the idea of Mad Minute Words is we present a strange (and/or lovely) word to you, and you draw from it as inspiration for your photo... to keep it acceptably mad, we're doing two words a week, one presented on monday and another on friday.

your photo for today's word should be posted on wednesday, july 17th.

the word i have chosen for you is:

abligurition - (n) prodigal expense for food; spending lavishly on fine foods.

a search of the web, i found this from the website, "Abligurition simply means spending lavish amounts of money on fine foods. It comes from the latin verb abligurire, "ab" meaning "away" and "ligurire" meaning "to be fond of delicacies." Who needs clothes or gadgets when there's abligurition to keep us spending on foie gras, oysters and gourmet chocolate?"

please tag your entry mmw-abligurition

you may also post your entry on this thread, if you so wish.

Past mad minute words:
1. Spurious
2. Pareidolia
3. Cheiroproclitic
4. Nepenthe
5. zugzwang
6. kalopsia
7. strikhedonian
8. sphallolalia
9. fugue
10. widdershins
11. nihilarian
12. mickle
13. mesonoxian
14. ensorcelled
15. mansuetus
16. lugubrious
17. quizzacious
18. hypnagogic
19. gravigrade
20. mulligrub
21. gallimaufry
22. chatoyant
23. Equipoise
24. falcate
25. Lamprophony
26. Qualtagh
27. multifarious

i look forward to seeing your photos on wednesday.
July 15th, 2013
I still don't understand it even with the definition. Ha! What on earth is a 'prodigal expense".....? One that runs away and then comes back begging forgiveness??
July 15th, 2013
@tabbycat degustation perhaps
July 15th, 2013
@tabbycat - 'prodigal' means "Spending money or resources freely and recklessly; wastefully extravagant". He was called prodigal because that's what he did, not because of his return.
July 15th, 2013
Can you wait about a month? Thanks.
July 15th, 2013
@hehe1308 Right you are! Thank you! I guess I never paid much attention to religion classes at school :-/
July 15th, 2013
I should just post a new edit/reprocessed version of my still life feast table. Hee hee if I run out if time I might! Nah! I think I have an idea but it may not work out
July 15th, 2013
mmmmm - i might actually do it rather than take a photo of it !!!
July 15th, 2013
@tabbycat - i've posted my reply to you twice and twice probably i forgot to hit "post reply" that's why it's not here. just to let you know i wasn't ignoring your comment. but i have edited the posting above to give a further explanation.

@hehe1308 - thank you for stepping up; much appreciated.
July 16th, 2013
Not sure I'll get to this one as this week's budget (thanks to a $$$ hungry car on my trip to Michigan) has limited the food budget and I will not be able to give into any form of abligurition this week. At least I used it in a sentence!
July 16th, 2013
@olivetreeann - take a pic when you're in the grocery store. :-)
July 16th, 2013
@Cheesebiscuit - you on a diet? :-)
July 16th, 2013
@tabbycat - 'tis okay. everything you missed or forgot or didn't pay attention to in school, you encounter everything here on 365 and you make up for it. :-)

@gozoinklings - shoot first. as my partner always tells me, the ony thing that gets in the way of my photography is food.

@espyetta - you can, i don't think the post required is time sensitive, just have to be posted on the wednesday, so by all means, regale us with your etsooi. show us!
July 16th, 2013
@valpak - i've corrected the word listing so i believe it is now complete. your tag is actually in the last line as you can see. if it's any consolation to you and to some others, i sometimes do not get the notification even though my tag is right there in the middle of the list. but i'm always on the lookout for the crazy word prompts. hard to get rid of me. in fact i didn't get notification about this one but maybe because i sent it myself.
July 16th, 2013
@summerfield Haha! Yes indeed! This subject matter is a little too close to home for me, though, so might sit this one out. LOL!
July 16th, 2013
@summerfield I'd vanish if I turned sideways :( No, not on a diet, but there's an event I'm going to in about a month that would fit this word perfectly.
July 16th, 2013
I am going to try to get a pic for this one today, Vikki! It is a hard one though! Kind of...but I'll get SOMETHING.
July 16th, 2013
@summerfield am sorry - v little time these days - will keep following the words tho!
July 16th, 2013
Great word! Thinking hard about how to wrangle this one..
July 17th, 2013
@summerfield nah! I shot another pic today just for this! I cannot remember this word to,save my life! I will post the pics soon, but having some issues with another pic and want to post all 3 at same time...I should get it up before it turns to Thursday!
July 17th, 2013
@espyetta - haha! I forgot to get my props so mine would have to be posted tomorrow night my time. :-)
July 17th, 2013
@summerfield I'll watch for it. I am trying to get my three posts ready and up...but it is getting late! I may have to post them in the AM!
July 17th, 2013
@summerfield Thanks for adding my word. And thanks again for the heads up on it. I see my name, no longer feel like the last one picked for dodge ball ;-) I've only done a couple of these but they are quite fun and challenging.
July 18th, 2013
@summerfield And today I found out we were too late. The ship hasn't sailed, but it is already booked out :(
July 18th, 2013
@Cheesebiscuit - a cruise buffet?!?!?! ahhh, lobsters... prawns... crayfish...mahi-mahi...tuna... smoked salmon... and all those sinfully delicious desserts... aherm! i'm sorry you wouldn't get on the trip, however, you know that the next is always the best. ahhh...lobsters...
July 18th, 2013
@summerfield Did I mention my seafood allergy? This was to watch the fireworks on Lake Geneva on 10th August. Got to wait for more fireworks, now.
July 18th, 2013
@Cheesebiscuit - ooops, sorry about that, i got carried away. as my partner always tells me, the only thing that gets in the way of my photography is food. drat, what do i serve you then when you get invited over?
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