Get Pushed Week 60 - Monday September 9 to Sunday September 15

September 7th, 2013
first off, a PSA... i am planning on going away next weekend leaving early Friday morning and coming back on Sunday... as i am not sure i will take my laptop, or how much of an internet connection i will have, i plan on posting the pairings for week 61 on Thursday...


and now, my weekly plea... please please please, if you're paired with someone who is MIA (missing in action - hasn't posted in several days... or WEEKS!), or who does not issue you a challenge by Tuesday night, do NOT suffer in silence...

even if you're cool with sitting the week out without a challenge, if i don't know about it, they will be paired up with someone the following week who may end up being frustrated and disappointed...

so please - let me know if you're partner is MIA...

tx! and now back to your regularly scheduled programming...


Week 60 Dates

-- Saturday / Sunday, September 7th and 8th - find your partner and issue a challenge
-- Monday September 9th thru Sunday September 15th - take a picture (or pictures) in response to the challenge issued to you, and post it with the tag: Get-Pushed-60, and comment on the photos taken in response to your challenge
-- Monday, September 16th - the winner of week 59 will pick 5 finalists for a vote


(hasn't posted in a couple weeks or does not post a challenge to you by Tuesday at midnight GMT), then:

(1) please let me know by responding to this thread... AND

(2) PLEASE TAG THE PERSON IN YOUR RESPONSE... this does 2 things... (1) it gives a little nudge to your partner and (2) it helps me because then i don't have to search thru my spreadsheet to see who you are partnered with before going to my master list spreadsheet to note that they are MIA :)


IF YOU NEED TO BOW OUT AFTER THE PAIRINGS HAVE BEEN POSTED please let me know in this thread AND please tag your partner... that way they know not to peruse your album, and if someone else pops up looking for a partner before i have a chance to check in, they will be able to sort things out themselves :)

How to play:


1. Find your partner from the list below and click on their name to get to their profile

2. Browse through the last couple of months of photos to get a feel for what they shoot and don't shoot etc.

3. Post an introduction on their last photo, and also issue the challenge you are setting.


4. You have until midnight next Sunday, to take and post your shot or shots.

5. When posting your shot write a short description about who challenged you, what the challenge was, what you found hard about it etc. You really should do this because if nothing else, it helps the previous week's winner when they have to choose this week's finalists... besides, if someone is cruising the photos with a "get pushed" tag, they like to see what the challenge was when looking at your photo :)

6. Make sure to tag your shot for the challenge.... Get-Pushed-60

7. Tag your challenger in a COMMENT (not just your write-up). You MUST tag your partner in a separate comment... tagging them in your write-up of your photo is not sufficient as it will not result in them getting a notification...


8. it is nice to visit the photo that was made in response to your challenge and offer some comments and maybe even some constructive criticism...

9. On the Monday after the challenge is over, the winner of the previous week will pick 5 finalists for a vote, this can be based purely on their fav photos, who they felt best met the challenge etc, etc.

Happy trails!

@northy with @masosy
@so_lo_webb with @atooner
@lindseying with @nkawoods
@l2lumom with @m9f9l
@gigiz with @corgimom
@mikegifford with @samanthamphoto
@mrsbaldy with @smithak
@ryanarra2 with @nicolaeastwood
@cameraholic with @gypsy6
@summerfield with @mcsiegle
@colie with @jocasta
@aprilv with @la_photographic
@riverlandphotos with @ingrid2101
@penndin with @salza
@tstb with @bjw
@jav0930 with @kali66
@pennyp with @carolinedreams
@degarvey with @palmilla
@lbjefferies with @ragnhildmorland
@blahowd with @egoodling
@gijo1610 with @momsta
@sandypw with @3sixty5
@swamppoodle with @dh
@quixoticneophyte with @photohoot
@myhrhelper with @ikamera
@sturnus with @jyokota
@taffy with @zam
@dixon with @paign
@dtigani with @mzzhope
@cazla with @3rdxoff
@julieco with @tracys
@sjoblues with @seahawker
@frankhymus with @rachelwithey
@mandyj92 with @nanderson
@simster with @pocketmouse
September 7th, 2013
If anyone wants to pair up, I will play this week.
September 8th, 2013
@egad @northy
I actually wanted back in this week, perhaps e.gad and I could pair up?
September 8th, 2013
@mej2011 sounds great! Looking forward to it.
September 8th, 2013
@mej2011 @egad - that's great that you two are pairing up..

Melissa... i'll add you to the list for next weeks pairings

how about you @egad ? just playing this week? or do you want on the list?
September 8th, 2013
@northy please add me. Thank you.
September 9th, 2013
I would like to have a go at this if there is anyone looking for a partner in the get-pushed this week.
September 9th, 2013
@happysnapper65 hi Linda... no one right now, but good chance someone will come along in next 24 hours... hang tight!
September 9th, 2013
So thrilled that "leg and a wing" won last week. Jake said "over to you". Any instructions for me?
September 9th, 2013
My latest partner @smithak hasnt posted since the 4th... Im happy to wait a few days to see if i get a challenge, if not, im happy to wait for next week xx
September 9th, 2013
@mrsbaldy sorry for the delay in posting your challenge. the weekend kept me crazy busy. will post your challenge today.
September 10th, 2013
@jocasta congrats on your win Jocasta! it was a fabulous shot :) your "prize" is to take on responsibility for choosing finalists and setting up the vote for get-pushed-59 (the week that ended yesterday)...

see the instruction at point 9 above - i think it pretty much covers it all!
September 10th, 2013
My push partner Mandy dineley @penndin hasn't posted anything since 31st August. So I'm available to pair up with someone else, maybe with Linda @happysnapper65
September 10th, 2013
@salza I'm happy to have a go at this one Sally. A bit of a novice but like the idea of getting pushed to do something outside my box. Have looked at your albums, very impressive, so will think of a challenge for you soon.
September 10th, 2013
@happysnapper65 splendid! I shall go and set your challenge. Have already had a look through the last few months of your album!
September 11th, 2013
@salza @northy
Many Apologies Sally, im obviously too busy at the moment.
@northy please could you take me off the GP at the moment, I do get set challenges and I set them too, but I don't often get to see what my partners have created which is a shame.
I'll be back on in The New Year.
Thanks Northy you are doing a great job keeping us all creative. Mandy
September 11th, 2013
@penndin Thanks, life does sometimes need to take preference. Hope to see you back here someday!
September 11th, 2013
@salza I'm
I'll still be taking my photos but I won't be doing the GP as I'm not reliable at the moment. ;)
Happy creative snapping!
September 12th, 2013
Hey Northy! I need to take a break from the get pushed challenge. Thanks so much for organizing this weekly, you are brilliant.
September 13th, 2013
@masosy noted... and thank you so much for my challenge this week... i have lots more ideas but no time just now... may work on them next week tho' just for the pure fun of it :)
September 13th, 2013
I said yes to next week but I am actually not going to be able to participate for the next few weeks so if you haven't made the list already would you please take me off? Thank you and sorry for they inconvience
September 13th, 2013
@egad ok
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