Fakeword 3 Challenge

November 11th, 2013
Oh Wow! I am still experiencing a bit of disbelief and disleria a the idea of actually winning a contest. I would like to thank you all those who voted for my shot!
I now have the task of hosting the Fakeword 3 Challenge. So here goes nothing...


Feel free to post your photo in this thread.
Using the above random fake word Generator I came up with the word - MOFOBLITZ

What does it mean?? I don't know for sure, but perhaps you can explain with a photo.

Post a photo that defines the meaning of this word. In the description write what the brief meaning of the word is as well. Time to get creative and have fun.

TAG your photo(s) Fakeword3

Contest starts November 11th and lasts until midnight November 17th. I will select 5 finalists who I think most creatively defined the word. There will be a vote and the winner goes to the above word generator and finds a new fake word and hosts the next challenge. If for some reason the winner becomes MIA and does not post a new challenge within 5 days the person with the 2nd highest votes takes over the next challenge.

Photos must be taken within the challenge dates. It is acceptable to combine previous shots of YOUR OWN PHOTOS as long as a large percentage of the photo was taken within the challenge date.

Feel free to post your photo in this thread.
November 11th, 2013
Yahoo for you! I am so excited for you... I'm scaring Finn! Great job!
November 11th, 2013
Congratulations!! So what is the word for this challenge? You will need to pick a word from the fake word generator
November 11th, 2013
Oh, ok, I see it is Mofoblitz Perhaps you could put it at the top in bold so everyone can see the word.
November 12th, 2013
LOL that is some word.This will be fun!Congrats on the win! Your pooch pic was awesome!
November 12th, 2013
Congrats.. and I will see what I can come up with between hospital visits..
November 12th, 2013
Sounds fun!
November 12th, 2013
Cracked up at the word!! Oh my this should be interesting.
November 13th, 2013
Hahaha! Fabulous word!!
November 20th, 2013
mofoblitz ... what a great word!

Alternate definition from my co-workers: mofoblitz (n) What happens when my newly admitted patient is brought up to his room, and five minutes later nutrition services arrives to serve our patients' lunch trays! That is a mofoblitz -- run run run :)
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