Winner - Time Challenge

January 3rd, 2014
Want to thank again everyone who participated in this challenge. And a big thank you to all who voted. It was a close vote, with "Time Runs Out" by Aurorajane @aurorajane winning the most votes. Congrats Jane!

January 3rd, 2014
January 4th, 2014
Congrats on this magnificent image @aurorajane
And thank you @losthorizon fir the competition Beau! It was so much fun!
January 5th, 2014
Congrats @aurorajane a well deserved win. And thanks @losthorizon for a great and inspiring challenge. :-)
January 5th, 2014
@mzzhope @gazbadger @losthorizon Wow, I'm slightly speechless at the moment!!! All the entries were quality creative pieces, and I believe every entrant deserves this win. Thankyou goes out to all those 365ers that participated in some way, either as an entrant, voter or challenge organiser, without you, these opportunities just wouldn't exist. Again, I am in shock mode. Love, hugs and happy dances to everyone :)
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