Madhatters - Seven Deadly Sins

September 8th, 2014
It's been a super week :) thanks everyone who visited and commented, and special thanks to those who played along... a couple "super" examples:


and @wannabe

this coming week we're gonna be focussing on the seven deadly sins... care to tread in those waters along with us? tag your photos madhatters-sins!
September 8th, 2014
Thanks for the mention! :-)
The Seven Deadly Sins... ironic... that's a personal challenge I was given, which I never finished, but that lead me to find 365 in the first place, two and a half years ago... :-p
September 8th, 2014
@bankmann Awesome job, man. Can't wait to see you finish your challenge this week. Which sins have you portrayed?
September 8th, 2014
@bankmann @amandal Great photos, Amanda and Bankman. I'm so sorry I missed the "super" theme but, hope to join in on those "7 Deadly Sins." (Well, not literally.....but, you know what I mean).
September 8th, 2014
@paulam lol Paula, you know you want to
September 8th, 2014
Just posted one. I am excited to find something that will work with my months theme.
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