Announcing Mundane Challenge - Mirror

July 9th, 2015
Wow - I don't even know where to begin on this! I won my very first challenge with the mundane stairs theme. Thank you @taffy for hosting that one - it definitely made me take a picture of something I otherwise would not have and get creative with it.

As past winners know, it's always tough to pick the next subject and after going back and forth between a few items in my head, I finally decided on mirror. I think so many creative things can be done with this and look forward to seeing all the entries!

Again, you are free to use any photographic technique you like to capture this everyday object. The main rule; there can be no question the object of the challenge is the star! You may enter as many times as you like, but your entry must be taken within the challenge time frame to be considered as a finalist.

******* Please tag your entries: mundane-mirror *********

The starting date will be Immediately: Thursday, July 9, 2015 and will run until Friday, July 17, 2015.

Voting will take place from Monday July 20, 2015 until Wednesday July 22, 2015.
The winner will be announced Friday July 24 as soon as possible. I'm on the east coast of the U.S. and don't really know about the European time span so I hope this will be sufficient for all.

You can check entries here:

It would be great if you also shared them on this thread to help inspire others!

Thanks very much and I encourage you to take part in the challenge – it’s fun.

**Remember for this challenge to tag mundane-mirror so it's not overlooked **


The following is a list of objects used so far for the challenge: ice, toothbrush, screwdriver, veggie peeler, bar of soap, scissors, electric plug, paper clip, jar, language, cardboard, toothpick, hex key, hair comb, screw, button, key, coin, ballpoint pen, shoe, glass, plastic bag, thread, books, lightbulb, toilet paper, envelopes, door handle, tea bag, broom, tin can, egg(s), shoelaces, clothes peg/pin, wheel, mailbox, pill, bottle, chain, zipper, seed(s), vegetable(s), cutlery, playing cards, mobile phone, pasta, chair, camera, blanket, paper, rubber, tack, hanger, Index Finger, mouse (non furry), sock, bubbles, candles, bread and beds, tap ( faucet), strainer, match, umbrella, paintbrush/es, corkscrew, stairs.
July 9th, 2015
Oooh, fun one!
July 9th, 2015
Great idea!! The second hardest part is choosing the focus item. The hardest is choosing the five finalists! You'll have fun, I'm sure.
July 12th, 2015
July 12th, 2015
Mirror Mirror on the Water …. Who is the fairest of us ill

July 13th, 2015
Cool subject!
July 13th, 2015
I know I can't pick myself, but I wanted to do this one!

July 14th, 2015
Here is one... :)

July 14th, 2015
Here is another one, to help the thread:

July 16th, 2015
and my offering.........we were trying to make Jane see through..which has been a partial success. We are going to work with a better pose and clearer area to work in :)
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