*New Mundane challenge

February 27th, 2016
Thank you to everyone for voting for my hammer. It was all very exciting with it being a tie between @mzzhope and I. Thanks to @regex for hosting the last challenge. I've never hosted a challenge before so if I have made a mistake or could do it better, please feel free to let me know.

I've had think, and after choosing objects that have already gone before, I have finally settled on a Cheese Grater

You are allowed to use any photographic technique you like to capture this everyday object. The main rule: there can be no question that the object of the challenge (in this case, a cheese grater) is the star!

Feel free to enter as many times as you like, but your entry must be taken within the challenge time frame to be considered a finalist.
If you want, you are encouraged to share entries on this thread to help inspire others and keep it alive!
You can see the entries here:

Please tag your entries: mundane-cheese-grater

Challenge timeline:
The competition begins today, February 27th, and will run through until midnight on Friday March 4th (EST)
Voting will take place over the weekend of 5th March to midnight of the 6th. I will announce the winner on Monday 7th.

Good luck everyone!
I am looking forward to see your entries!

February 27th, 2016

Here's my effort to start you all off:)
February 28th, 2016
Great choice Emma.
February 28th, 2016
This is a fun one. They are so reflective!
March 1st, 2016
March 5th, 2016
How do you post the picture here? I just posted some.
March 5th, 2016
@vickiesampson underneath your description or photo you will see some icons that will let you edit your photo. Next to the icons are three dots. Click on the dots and it will give you an embeded code. Copy and paste the embeded code into this thread and your picture will come up. Also don't forget to to tag your picture as mundane-cheese-grater because thats where I will be looking to get the finalists.
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