winners! artist challenge - gerhard Richter

January 13th, 2017
@mikegifford and I are pleased to announce we have a tie!!!, but rather than a runoff @wenbow and @pistache will hopefully sort out between them who will run the next challenge, collaborations are good if you are busy ladies!

here again are their final images voted by you as the best of the bunch, they did a great job, and thanks for voting.

January 13th, 2017
congratulations! @wenbow @pistache...well done!
January 13th, 2017
@wenbow and @pistache - congratulations, ladies!

collaboration is fun. it has been done before - you get to share the joy and pain of choosing the finalists. :-) looking forward to the next featured artist.
January 13th, 2017
@wenbow and @pistache
nice work people!!
January 13th, 2017
@wenbow and @pistache well done ladies!
January 13th, 2017
@jackies365 @summerfield @brigette @annied @wenbow

thank you so much lovely ladies. i'm going to give it a go and hopefully get the next challenge up in the next few days :)
January 13th, 2017
January 13th, 2017
@wenbow and @pistache - congratulations, ladies!
January 13th, 2017
Well done, ladies!
January 13th, 2017
January 13th, 2017
Well done @wenbow and @pistache
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