Winner of the Six-word Story Challenge #104

May 8th, 2020
I was rather glad that the six finalist photos were a hit with everyone with the votes almost evenly distributed. Almost, but not quite, as Rob Z's @robz "Yoohoo - anybody at home up there......" clinched this round with just 3 votes. Congratulations!

And now, you host the next six-word story challenge.
May 8th, 2020
@summerfield @robz nice one 😁
May 9th, 2020
congrats Rob @robz
May 9th, 2020
Congrats, @robz !
May 9th, 2020
Hi Vikki, Brigette, Sylvia and Junko Thanks so much for your messsages and congratulations. I'll get the new challenge up and running today. Cheers Rob
@summerfield @brigette @sprphotos @jyokota
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